原创 AlexNet以前的教科書上的人工神經網絡


原创 Homomophy in Cryptography

f(a)=G×af(a)+f(b)=G×a+G×b=G×(a+b)=f(a+b) f(a) = G \times a\\ f(a) + f(b) = G \times a + G \times b = G\times(a+b) =

原创 【V8.Internal】Building V8 from bootstrap

Prerequisite depot_tools A collection of tools used to sync repository with the huge chromium project. get it her

原创 【GNU-Basic】Hi, Makefile

Hi, Makefile. Long time no see. Rule is all Created with Raphaël 2.1.0StartPreparationCheckPlatformNativeBuildingFi

原创 How to use Google's protocol-buffer

protocbuf introduction Protocol-buffer is a Technic of Google( aplhabet corp.) , which is used to interchange data

原创 Formats of Printf

Syntax The syntax for a format placeholder is %[parameter][flags][width][.precision][length]type list of all format

原创 【GNU-Basic】How to daemon

歡迎使用Markdown編輯器寫博客 本Markdown編輯器使用StackEdit修改而來,用它寫博客,將會帶來全新的體驗哦: Markdown和擴展Markdown簡潔的語法 代碼塊高亮 圖片鏈接和圖片上傳 LaTex數學公

原创 【OpenSSL】base64 with BIO filter

Introduction There are many ways to do base64 encoding/decoding in OpenSSL, Here are some demos code with BIO filt

原创 Linux I/O Models

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-async/ The most common input/output (I/O) model used in Linux® is synchro

原创 【BitMail】A Peer-to-Peer Instant Messenger Client

【BitMail】a Peer-to-Peer Instant Messenger Client Abstract A purely peer-to-peer version of instant messenger client

原创 【OpenSSL】Memory BIO

Test code #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> # include <openssl/e_os2.h> # include <openss

原创 【OpenSSL】ssl client

practice of s_client from openssl 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 開心樂源 發佈了200 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 34 · 訪問量 55萬

原创 【OpenSSL】SMIME Group Message

Introduction Here GroupMessage means that a message is sent to a group of recipients. Prepare certificates Alice

原创 Setup Samba Daemon from Source Code

Reference Source tarball: https://download.samba.org/pub/samba/samba-3.0.37.tar.gz Build and Installation ./autogen

原创 【OpenSSL】Access PEM

Test code #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> # include <openssl/e_os2.h> # include <openss