原创 JavaScript PopUp and Redirect parent windows when close down(彈出窗口 關閉後主頁面跳轉)

How to PopUp a new window <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function popitup(url) { newwindow

原创 SQL Server 知識總結

1, 如何在sql query裏運行帶參數的stored procedures EXEC st_queryname @id = 2, @date= 2012

原创 xero備份

20120921 old // ******* TODO: The Offical Post Invoice List Function ******* public void PostInvoices(List<Se

原创 Jquery Dialog based on ASP.NET

https://secure.senddr.com/invoice_list.aspx?t=2 <%--### popup script ###--%> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http:/

原创 Jquery usage at ASP.NET

(JQuery / JavaScrpt) Running at the Backend 1, Popup Function with URL as Parameters Private Sub Popups(ByVal URL As

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Run VS command prompt in admin mode INSTALL: e: cd\ cd Dropbox\Senddr\www_root\Senddr Queue Manager\Senddr Queue Man

原创 Email Refresh Reminder(Onview.ie)

private void PropertiesRefreshReminder() { try { var now = DateTime.No

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using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath;using System.Xml; string myxml = @"<e:root xmlns:e

原创 proxy software with bugs solution

http://us.dongtaiwang.com/loc/download.en.php Install this software, and then it can auto setting   Go to the   re

原创 C# 讀取EntireWeb的XML形式的API

C# Deserializing XML from API returns(EntireWeb) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; usi