原创 PHP學習資源網站

http://www.phpcommunity.org/PHPCommunity.org is a gathering place for the PHP community. It is a community site for peo

原创 dreamweaver cs4 下載

從網上搜索到的下載地址 還沒有時間試:)http://rapidshare.com/files/106219352/DWCS4_3918_Win.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/106

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powsershell1.0簡體中文下載共享 http://www.box.net/shared/c99xk424o8 

原创 Improve performace: check your loops

  Improve performace: check your loops Before I startI’ve always stayed a

原创 jMaki 1.0發佈

https://ajax.dev.java.net/來自官方網站的介紹:jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a lightweight model for creating JavaScrip

原创 ExtTLD -Simplifies ExtJS components for jee

Simplifies ExtJS components Enables content assist documentation Validate

原创 Eclipse plugin SWT Win32 Extension

SWT Win32 Extension extends the Eclipse library SWT. It is a software development kit enabling you to work with native

原创 PHP不能適應大型應用的理由

 PHP擁有衆多的開發者. PHP社區也象Java社區一樣發展蓬勃.   不過, 因爲先天的限制, PHP始終未能在大型應用中打開局面, PHP到底哪

原创 50 Coolest Websites(time.com)

     How do we select our finalists? We evaluate hundreds of candidates—some suggested by readers, colleagues and frien

原创 MVC Web Project-eclipse下的struts2插件

MVC Web Project is a generic plugin for eclipse that enables J2ee developers to organize their web project visually usi

原创 開源的iis urlrewrite:IIRF

Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter  http://www.codeplex.com/IIRF codeplex 上的下載頁面下載包裏面的readme有比較詳細的說明這裏還有中文介紹

原创 web2.0 opensource projects

Diggclone-開源digg類程序官方:http://www.talkingpixels.org/diggclone/index.php演示:同www.digg.com類似 Aroundme-開源社會化網絡程序官方:https://s

原创 COMET - the next stage of AJAX

An old web technology is slowly being resurrected from the depths of history. Browser features that have gone untouche

原创 jQuery 1.1.3: 速度提高800%,大小仍然 20KB

原文地址http://ajaxian.com/archives/jquery-113-800-faster-still-20kb The jQuery team has a new release, jQuery 1.1.3. The m

原创 http://cometdaily.com/
