原创 postgresql 中表的相關操作

2) The SQL Language 2-1) Managing databases CREATE DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] user_name ]

原创 postgres 權限相關操作

Privileges When an object is created, it is assigned an owner. The owner is normally the role that executed the cr

原创 python 詳解

1 Types and Operations 1-1 Built-in Objects preview 1-2 Numbers 1-3 String 1-3-1 Sequence Operations 1-3-2 Immutable

原创 X509 證書詳解

X509 Certificates 1 Certificates 1-1 Structure of a Certificate 1-2 Extensions informing a specific usage of a certfi

原创 postgres 性能優化小技巧

Performance Tips 1 Using EXPLAIN 1-1 EXPLAIN Basics 1-2 EXPLAIN ANALYZE 1-3 Caveats 2 Statistics Used by the Planne

原创 postgres 查詢命令詳解

Queries 1 Table Expressions 1-1 The FROM Clause 1-1-1 Joined Tables 1-1-2 Table and Column Aliases 1-1-3 Subqueries 1

原创 Bash 腳本基本語法

1 What is a Bash script 2 Variables 2-1 Special variables 2-2 Setting our own variables 2-3 Command substitution 2-4

原创 搜索引擎學習總結

1 搜索引擎的發展史 1-1 第一代文本檢索 1-2第二代連接分析 1-3 第三代用戶中心 2 搜索引擎基本構成 3 網絡爬蟲 3-1 抓取策略 3-1-1 寬度優先遍歷策略 Breath First 3-1-2 非完全PageR

原创 nginx 概念和基本功能

1 Getting Started 1-1 Starting Stopping and Reloading Configuration 1-2 Configuration Files Structure 2 Basic Funct

原创 linux 用戶和組管理命令

1 What are User and Group permissions 2 Read Write Execute Permissions 3 Vewing File Permissions 4 Working with User

原创 postgres 索引

Indexes 1 Introduction 2 Index Types 3 Multicolumn Indexes 4 Indexes and ORDER BY 5 Combining Multiple Indexes 6 Uniq

原创 postgres 窗口函數

Window Function * row_number() bigint number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1 rank() big

原创 nignx SSL 管理詳解

3 Managing SSL Traffic 3-1 SSL Termination - Delivering web content over HTTPS 3-1-1 Setting up an HTTPS Server 3-1-2

原创 postgres 行安全策略

Row Security Policies In addition to the SQL-standard privilege system available through grant, tables can have row se

原创 Google 搜索常用命令和小技巧

1 Google Query Operators 2 Putting It All Together How to Use These Commands Operators in the Real World 2-1 Exclude