原创 Pointer for JOB APPLICATIONS(2019/11/12)

QUESTIONS What your job? Are you looking for a new or better job? What king of job do you like ? Are you looking for a

原创 Managing Employees--developing skills for success(2019/11/6)

Managing employees Developing skills for success What do you think effetive manager do to help employees peform well? H

原创 Who owns my data(2019/4/16)

Learing Objectives have a discussion on personal data and the ownership of data; talk about how data can be distributed

原创 1Curiosity--NASA's Mission to Mars 2019/11/05F450KLG2H

Warm-Up Does your country have a space program? Do  you think your country should spend more money on space exploration

原创 How to make fast food favorite at home(2019/07/26)

Introduction With our fast-spaced lifestyles,There is usually little time to make a home cooked meal ,Thus ,fast food r

原创 Who owns my data(2016/4/16)

Learing Objectives have a discussion on personal data and the ownership of data; talk about how data can be distributed

原创 Go on a digital diet(2019/1/15)

Discussion 1.How many hours a day do you spend connected to technology devices? 2.Do you feel anxious when your interne

原创 Expressing Fear(2019/1/4)

Discussion 1.What's the most terrifying(令人恐懼的) horror(令人恐怖的事物) movie you have ever seen? 2.After watching a horror movi

原创 What kind of cat is that?(2019/1/11)

Opening Dialog P:Hey Tim,Did you see that? T:See what?Where? P:That cat! It just tarted past your legs and is now somew

原创 Snug(舒適) as a Bug(小蟲) in a Rug(小地毯)(2019/1/2)

Using Rhyming(押韻) and alliteration(頭韻) to make a point Warm-up with words April showers bring May flowers You say "yes"

原创 Fostering Good Communication(2018/12/31)

Learning Objectives Today we are going to: learn about the importance of effective communication with our children;and

原创 Business Meetings(2018/12/27)

Introduction Many of us must attend meeting daily at our jobs,For some it is a necessary  and useful part of the day,Bu

原创 Firing:Preserving the Employee's Dignity(尊嚴)(2018/07/26)

Firing :Preserving Dignity Do you find it easy to fire an employee? Do you think it is possible to fire an emmployee wi

原创 Basic Vocabulary:Music(2018/12/24)

Vocabulary symphony--a large group of people who play music together(short for symphony orchestra( 管絃樂隊)) instrument--s

原创 Is spelling in English improtant(2018/12/17)

Vocabulary barring--except for variant--something that differs slightly from something else established--already in use