原创 perl check_jmxProxy tomcat

Monirot #check_jmxproxy # # Contacts a JMX proxy (like that which Apache Tomcat provides) # and compares the return val

原创 linux 技巧:使用 screen 管理你的遠程會話

你是不是經常需要 SSH 或者 telent 遠程登錄到 Linux 服務器?你是不是經常爲一些長時間運行的任務而頭疼,比如系統備份、ftp 傳輸等等。通常情況下我們都是爲每一個這樣的任務開一個遠程終端窗口,因爲他們執行的時間太長了。必

原创 tomct啓動過程 bootstrap catalina

Tomcat中各個組件的生命週期是由server控制的。那麼server的生命週期由誰控制呢?  我們先來看下使用腳本啓動tomcat的時候,首先會發生什麼。 java應用要運行,需要一個main方法。tomcat啓動的時候調用的

原创 Linux NFS服務器的安裝與配置

一、NFS服務簡介   NFS 是Network File System的縮寫,即網絡文件系統。一種使用於分散式文件系統的協定,由Sun公司開發,於1984年向外公佈。功能是通過網絡讓不同的機器、不同的操作系統能夠彼此分享個別的數據,

原创 CentOS reset root password

You forgot your root password. Nice work. Now you'll just have to reinstall the entire machine. Sadly enough, I've see

原创 iptables usage

1. Delete Existing Rules Before you start building new set of rules, you might want to clean-up all the default rules

原创 Basics of telnet and http

Basics of telnet and HTTP Say you want to request a webpage…  Normally, one would use a web browser, right?  But somet

原创 How to add new partition in centos

Mounted File Systems or Logical Volumes There are two ways to configure a new disk drive into a CentOS system. One ve

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原创 Configure Shared Storage for Redhat Linux Servers using iSCSI Technology

Networking between Target and Initiator Nodes: Edit '/etc/hosts': Edit '/etc/hosts' of both the iSCSI Target(SAN)

原创 Checking a server’s SSH host fingerprint with the web console

Before you dismiss that error message about your server’s SSH host key changing, follow this simple procedure to make

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原创 Disk Quotas

Disk Quotas: This feature of Linux allows the system administrator to allocate a maximum amount of disk space a user o

原创 Add new disk via LVM in linux

An Overview of Logical Volume Management (LVM) LVM provides a flexible and high level approach to managing disk space

原创 How to verify ntp service properly or not in linux/unix

This article is all about verifying that your NTP setup is working properly. Normally I use some monitoring tool like