DDR2 ROUTING GUIDELINES:   All signals from the FPGA to DDR2 modules and to the VTT termination resi

原创 IPv6 FAQ

1. 互聯網是怎樣產生的? 20世紀60年代初,人們爲了提高計算機的性能,把幾臺計算機連接起來使用,這便是最初的網絡。但這種網絡實在是太簡單了,不僅傳輸數據速度極慢,而且只 要有一臺計算機出現故障,就會導致

原创 通過dump內存中printk的__log_buf地址查看Linux啓動部分的錯誤

已經將u-boot移植到了自己做的demo板上,現在開始移植linux PowerPC內核,前兩天用bootm引導內核,當執行到:        /*         * Linux Kernel Parameters (passing 

原创 Unable to handle kernel paging request for data at address 0x00000000

Linux version (gr1x@mars) (gcc version 4.2.2) #1 Mon Sep 8 23:39:50 CS8console [udbg0] enabledsetup_arch: boot

原创 Xilinx's ibis and pkg file

http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/21632.htmHow do I integrate per pin parasitic package data (in the .pkg file) pro

原创 DCI impedance value

http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/11450.htmVirtex-II/Virtex-II Pro/Virtex-4/Virtex-5 IBIS/SPICE models - How does a

原创 How to set up usblan and telnet for A780 in 3 easy steps

Switch your device to usblan mode.Enter the "Setup" application on your device. Configure "USB Mode" to "Modem".Connec

原创 Telnet to Moto A780

MontaVista Linux Consumer Electronics Edition 3.0Linux/armv5tel 2.4.20_mvlcee30-mainstone(none) login: