原创 Android入門 - Getting Started with Android

To get started with Android, please read the following sections first: 要入門Android,請首先閱讀下面的章節: Installing the SDK and P

原创 Android應用程序生命週期 - Lifecycle of an Android Application

 Lifecycle of an Android Application Android應用程序生命週期   In most cases, every Android application runs in its own Linux p

原创 屏幕元素層次 - Hierarchy of Screen Elements

Hierarchy of Screen Elements 屏幕元素層次   The basic functional unit of an Android application is the activity--an object o

原创 Android應用程序剖析 - Anatomy of an Android Application

Android應用程序剖析   There are four building blocks to an Android application:   Android應用程序保護4種構建模塊: Activity Intent Recei

原创 Android是什麼? - What is Android?

Android是什麼? - What is Android?    Android是一個用於移動設備的軟件棧(software stack),包括一個操作系統,中間件,和一些關鍵應用軟件。Android SDK提供了採用Java語言在An