原创 [Log4j] listener order matters

The order of the two listeners ContextLoaderListener and Log4jConfigListene

原创 [Log4j] set up logging priority level

To set up the logging priority level, put an element like the one below ins

原创 [xfire 1.2.6] try out xfire 1.2.6

1. server side:(1) To demonstrate there's no issue with transferring object

原创 [jboss 4.2] 創建虛擬目錄

在[jboss home]\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer下找到server.xml,在<Host

原创 [Flex4] Could not resolve to a component implementation

The namespace for halo components is incorrect.new one:xmlns:mx="library://

原创 [JBoss 4.2] change the default 8080 port

1. go to [Jboss home]\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer and find ser

原创 單元測試自動rollback


原创 [linux] tar and gzip a folder

tar -cvzpf filename.tar.gz /path/foldername

原创 [Java] RandomAccess

RandomAccess is a marker interface. It doesn't define methods; instead, it

原创 [flex] Quotes from tips for performance

[b][size=medium]1. Architecting Flex Applications That Perform Well[/size][

原创 [Tapestry 4.1.1] Popup child window

I thought it's supposed to be pretty easy before I tried to implement.The r

原创 about rtmp channel

LCDS provides a RTMP channel which is a duplex socket connection between th

原创 [flex3] 關於crossdomain.xml

在jboss4.2中設置crossdomain.xml應該放在[jboss home]/server/default/deploy/jboss-web

原创 [linux] nohup - keeps job running at backend

Normally we log in a Linux machine using ssh. And when we logs out, those j

原创 [flex] 12個Flex常用功能代碼

1. Copy content to clipboardSystem.setClipboard(strContent);2. Clone an Arr