原创 How to return a long columns size

create or replace function getLongsize (p_query varchar2) return number as  v_cursor         integer default dbms_sql.o

原创 Complete sessions information

SELECT   SID, serial#, username,         (SELECT holding_session            FROM dba_waiters           WHERE waiting_se

原创 How to divide a data set into equal size buckets

Install scripts:drop table INTERVALS/create table INTERVALS(NAME varchar2(100), sal number(10,2))/insert into intervals

原创 This script allows capturing and storing occured errors

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename:   log_e

原创 Remove a job without connecting as job owner

In order to use dbms_job.rmove, you must be connected as the owner of the job. As DBA, you want to remo

原创 db duplication (and datafile renaming)

* jijo.sql|| mauro rossolato, 2006||  || >>> FOR DB DUPLICATION <<<|| you can use RMAN (copy) or operat