原创 Local vs. global differential privacy

Part of a series on differential privacy. You might want to start with the previous articles below! Why differential pr

原创 You Too Can Build A Kernel/Hypervisor Part 1 — Preliminaries

About a week or two ago I started following some how-tos on the internet for building kernels and/or hypervisors in Rus

原创 Differential privacy in (a bit) more detail

Part of a series on differential privacy. In case you need some more reading material! Why differential privacy is awes

原创 Differential privacy in practice (easy version)

Part of a series on differential privacy. You might want to start with the previous articles below! Why differential pr

原创 Why differential privacy is awesome

Part of a series on differential privacy. In case you need reading material once you finished this post! Why differenti

原创 Android 操作系統架構

版權聲明: 本站所有博文內容均爲原創,轉載請務必註明作者與原文鏈接,且不得篡改原文內容。 爲便於日常查閱本博客,可通過 Gityuan博客導航 方便檢索文章 一、引言 衆所周知,Android是谷歌開發的一款基於Linux的開源操作系

原创 PLT and GOT - the key to code sharing and dynamic libraries

The shared library is an integral part of a modern system, but often the mechanisms behind the implementation are less

原创 Buffer Overflows, ASLR, and Stack Canaries

Introduction Buffer overflow exploits are one of the most common and classic security vulnerabilities in computer progr


在2019年初,Binder內核模塊中添加了一項新功能。 此修補程序允許在Binder事務中發送調用方SElinux上下文。 該功能實際上是CVE-2019-2023的修復程序。 此漏洞與不正確使用getpidcon函數有關,從而導致AC

原创 一次可靠的通信

如何設計一次可靠的通信呢? 安全可靠的保障: 對稱加密以及非對稱加密來解決:保密性 數字簽名:認證、不可抵賴 單向Hash算法:完整性 轉存失敗重新上傳取消 這幅圖看懂了嗎? 例子1:TLS的設計 TLS的設計目標是構建一個安全傳輸層(T

原创 Android NFC Host Card Emulation (HCE)

Can I prevent Host Card Emulation service from being triggered by select AID? How to communicate with HostApduServ

原创 【譯】A look at MobileIron’s zero sign-on and passwordless authentication plans

本月初,我與MobileIron的產品團隊坐下來,看一看他們當前的戰略和路線圖。我們討論了整個產品線,但重點是他們的最新公告,零登錄計劃。   MobileIron的最新業務變化 在我們投入產品之前,有一些新的變更需要解決。去年1

原创 【譯】A quick list of new enterprise features in iOS 13, iPadOS, and macOS 10.15 Catalina

蘋果WWDC 2019主題演講就在幾個小時前結束,事實證明,正如我們希望的那樣,企業有很多新聞,特別是關於身份管理和BYOD的新聞!   現在,這是我們的企業功能初步列表。可能會有更新-我們仍然必須等待完整的文檔到達(請在此處查看

原创 移動端芯片性能評測論文出爐

蘇黎世聯邦理工學院曾經開發了一款 AI Benchmark 應用,用於測試不同安卓設備和芯片的深度學習性能。近期,他們聯合谷歌、高通、華爲、聯發科以及 Arm 發佈了一篇 AI Benchmark 綜合測試結果的論文,對超過 10000

原创 Qualcomm NPU 高通神經網絡處理芯片
