原创 The Procedures of Ping

Host A Ping through Host B as FIG.1.  FIG.1  HOST A -->ROUTER 1. 在host A 中ICMP 將創建一個迴應請求數據包. 2. ICMP將這有效負荷遞交給因特網協議(I

原创 The basic concepts of OFDM

In this blog, I will show you some basic concepts of OFDM In DOCSIS3.1.  To make it more intelligible, the graph i draw

原创 FILE NAME(filename)文件名的理解

文件名(FILE NAME)   1.文件名發展歷史 1962年 爲了兼容時分系統,便引入了文件的概念,與此同時,作爲區分文件拓展名的點(dot),也幾乎同時出現。 傳統的文件系統中,文件名只允許數字和字母,但是隨着時間,允許加入的符號也

原创 程序從編譯到運行

源程序會經過預處理,編譯,彙編,鏈接多個步驟才能在機器上生成可執行程序。1.預處理 預處理器在程序編譯之前,會先進行預處理工作,在C程序中,#開頭的代碼都屬於預處理範圍。 1)#include : 將頭文件包含到當前源文件中 2)

原创 How to patch in YOCTO

本文將介紹如何在YOCTO編譯系統中成功打上patch的一種方法,主要通過查找打patch前的最後編譯 文件,修改此文件生成patch的方法。 其中共包含五步(本文以給.c 文件打patch 爲例): 1. 取一份完全乾淨的sourc

原创 The Initialization of UEFI

In this blog, I will show you three points of the UEFI: a.     The process of initializing the UEFI. b.     The com

原创 RPC communication--portmapper

ARM<------------------------------->ATOM (x86)                                                                        

原创 變量

變量,在C語言設計的過程當中規定變量名只能包括字母,數字,以及下劃線,並且第一個字符必須是下劃線或者字母。(並且區分字母大小寫) 變量,以在源程序中位置來區分,可以分爲局部變量,以及全局變量。局部變量,其定義在函數內部。而全局變量則定義

原创 Install the QCA WIFI driver into RDKB (YOCTO) project

In this blog, I will introduce the main steps to install the QCA WIFI driver into our RDKB Project, which is based on

原创 How to Realize RPC?

If we want to realize RPC (Remote Procedure Call), we have to build the RPC server & RPC client.  So in this blog, I wi

原创 The basics of OFDM ——Fourier Transform

In this blog, I would like to introduce some basic OFDM concepts(in DOCSIS 3.1), which are concluded by myself or refer

原创 How to Add An Automatically Executable Program in YOCTO?

If we want to have a program running in the OS (operating system), we must know the answers of following questions. 1. 

原创 USB-SAMBA Service (RDK-B)

Instruction: We use USB-SAMBA Service to control the samba service, which can help us visit the content stored in USB

原创 RDK-B-CMAgent

The ACS and CPE use the HTTP to communicate by sending SOAP message which contains the .XML data containing the configu

原创 How to Make An Uimage(In YOCTO,RDK)?

Thecommand : mkuImage Question: 1.      Where is it from? 2.      Where will it be used? 3.      What are the contents