原创 Tips for using Breakpoints

原文地址   I've been working with one of our customers the last couple of days, and found that there were a few handy tips

原创 Difference Between exFAT and FAT32

原文地址 exFAT vs FAT32 FAT32 (32 Bit File Allocation Table) is arguably the most popular file system in the world today.

原创 Power Management under Windows CE

Embedded devices are usually powered by batteries and the power have to be correctly managed to improve the device auto

原创 【記錄】查找關於S3C6410中的中的-march,-mcpu,-mtune以及-mfpu和-mfloat-abi

原文地址 【背景】 看到有人問關於S3C2440de6410的CPU,關於FPU方面的配置。 現去查找整理一下。 【折騰過程】 1.關於crosstool-ng中的-march,-mcpu,-mtune的配置,可參考: crosstool

原创 Using CEConfig.h

原文地址   Every Windows CE device has a file named CEConfig.h in the /Windows folder. This file can be used to conditiona

原创 VS2010 Tips

How to change the outlining hover color in VS 2010? It's Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors->Collapsible Reg

原创 Inside Windows CE API Calls

原文地址   Windows CE APIs are implemented by a set of server processes.  Besides the kernel (nk.exe) we have other server

原创 So Long To DIM(), ARRAY_SIZE(), and...

原文地址   I’ve been doing some tidy up work in the driver code, and would like to draw your attention to a little somethi

原创 TransparentBlt實現

參考:http://www.vckbase.com/document/viewdoc/?id=532          http://www.mvps.org/user32/gditutorial.html          以及MS

原创 實現一些WinCE下沒有的函數

CreateDIBitmap:DIB轉DDB。 HBITMAP CECreateDIBitmap(HDC hdc, const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmih, DWORD fdwInit, const VO

原创 C++/Java負數取餘(模)

C++用了些年頭,Java剛剛學一個多月。 新的C++11標準對取餘有了比較明確的規定: C++ Primer 5th: The % operator, known as the “remainder” or the “modulus”

原创 SendMessage?!

PostThreadMessage沒用過吧,我猜你基本上也不需要用了,看這裏,還有這裏。 [2011-11-15] PostThreadMessage我現在的項目中自己也用到,確實是有用的。一般給Worker Thread發消息可以用,用

原创 What is kernel mode?

原文地址   I've talked about this before but I want to really highlight it because I still see people wrestling with it. I

原创 double運算會比float慢嗎?

最近在改一份同事寫的代碼,看到他用了很多double literals,於是乎突然想到標題的問題。。 現在也沒得出個結論,歡迎大家的實際經驗。   看過的貼子: http://topic.csdn.net/u/20081003/21/15

原创 WinCE抓屏保存爲圖片

Version1:(本版本只支持保存爲.bmp圖片,保存爲16位RGB555) { HDC hdcScr = GetDC(NULL); BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITM