原创 arm 彙編學習

一、寄存器和尋址 ARM有16個寄存器,R0-R15 PC R15 LR R14 SP R13 IP R12 (Push sp減少,Pop sp增加) 1.尋址方式 從操作地址尋找操作數的方式 2.ARM的尋址方式 a 寄存器尋址, 操作

原创 WebViewCore/SurfaceHolder and JNI引用

一、WebViewCore.java WebViewCore.cpp的綁定 1.WebViewCore.initialize() mBrowserFrame = new BrowserFrame(mContext, this, mCa

原创 HTML parser

1. receive data to parser for chromium stack WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveData ResourceLoader::didReceiveData MainReso

原创 view group

get view group, need to be improved. public class HelloworldActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the acti

原创 IntPoint and PluginMainThreadScheduler

IntPoint 描述一個點 有x、y兩個變量,支持move、expandedTo、shrunkTo等方法 IntSize 描述一個大小 有width,height兩個變量,支持scale、expand等接口 IntRect  描述一個

原创 push exe

1 push 1.1 完全破解 adb push dumpstack /system/bin/dumpstack adb shell "chmod 777 /system/bin/dumpstack" adb shell "ps" | g

原创 oneway interface

Oneway interfaces In early betas, the Android IPC was strictly synchronous. This means that service invocations had t

原创 procrank info

http://blog.csdn.net/aaronzzq/article/details/5899432 Terms   VSS - Virtual Set Size 虛擬耗用內存(包含共享庫佔用的內存)RSS - Resid

原创 win7 ubuntu

一、 安裝了win7,想再安裝ubuntu 本來Win7 有C D E三個區和系統保留區,後來就在E盤用Win7自帶工具,多分出來50G,用來給linux 但是,在ubuntu安裝是時候卻發現只有2個分區,一個就是sda和C盤一樣的,

原创 Texture and Surface

Texture SurfaceTextureClient(ANativeWindow) .... SurfaceTexture...Server 1. SurfaceTexture Server and SurfaceTextureCli

原创 flash's SurfaceTexture

original, how webview go? 1. generate a MediaLayer with webview. 2. MediaLayer has a MediaTexture. in MediaLayer genera

原创 Surface、SurfaceView、SurfaceHolder及SurfaceHolder.Callback之間的關係

源地址: http://www.apkbus.com/android-43293-1-1.html 一、Surface Surface就是“表面”的意思。在SDK的文檔中,對Surface的描述是這樣的:“Handle onto

原创 Plugin NPP and MediaPlayer

1.NPP是一個結構體,包含兩個void的指針 ndata, the pointer of the browser, usually the PluginView, was valued in PluginView::PluginView

原创 c++ to asm

cppint main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; }asmdump: file format

原创 Plugin sample study notes

一、 ANP interface 1. ANP interface in android  a android爲插件提供了額外的NPN函數,稱之爲ANP b 這些函數是通過傳遞函數指針的方式傳遞給插件的 具體操作方式是通過NPN的GetV