原创 record lock、gap lock、next-key lock 和事務隔離級別例子

目錄一、查看、設置mysql 事務隔離級別二、Row-level lockingPre Check Before Read Locking1.LOCK IN SHARE MODE2.FOR UPDATE三、gap lock1.Ph

原创 JavaScript與DOM關係、JavaScript+DOM能做什麼

一、JavaScript與DOM關係 DOM是HTML和XML文檔的編程接口。它定義了文檔的邏輯結構和對文檔訪問操作的方法。具體而言,編程人員可以利用DOM create和build 文檔、導航(navigate)結構、操作(增、刪、改)

原创 MySQL InnoDB MVCC實現

目錄一、MVCC概述二、Consistent Nonlocking Reads、Locking Reads1.Consistent Nonlocking Reads2.Locking Reads三、Innodb會保存任何改變的副本

原创 行鎖、事務隔離級別

一、查看、設置mysql 事務隔離級別 //展示事務隔離級別 show global variables like '%isolation%'; //修改事務隔離級別 set global transaction_isolatio

原创 慢索引及解決方法

An index lookup requires three steps: (1) the tree traversal; (2) following the leaf node chain; (3) fetching the t

原创 InnoDB 索引頁物理結構和邏輯結構

一、The physical structure of InnoDB index pages Every index page has an overall structure as follows: InnoDB’s data

原创 try-catch-finally組合情況、執行過程字節碼解讀

一、Control flow in try-catch clause OR try-catch-finally clause 情況1:Exception occurs in try block and handled in catch

原创 訪問硬盤數據庫過程、建立索引的好處

一、硬盤結構及工作過程  磁頭(head):從上到下從0開始編號 磁道(track):同心圓,編號從外向內由0開始編號 柱面(Cylinder):所有盤面的同一編號在幾何上構成一個圓柱 扇區(sector):每個磁道被劃分成N個弧段,每

原创 throw、throws、rethrow自定義異常類

In Java exception handling:  throw keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception from a method or constructor. throw

原创 java序列化概述、序列化原因、如何序列化、明確serialVersionUID的必要性、繼承關係中序列化表現

一、Serialization、Deserialization Serialization is a mechanism of converting the state of an object into a byte strea

原创 Java IO Stream概述

一、What are the Streams In computer science Streams are defined as the ordered sequence of data elements. Provide

原创 ArrayList、LinkedList、Vector

一、ArrayList ArrayList internally uses a dynamic array to store the elements. 1. Size And Capacity Size is the numbe

原创 queue(Array、LinkedList實現)、Double Ended Queue

Queue : A list or collection with the restriction that insertion can be performed at one end(rear) and deletion can

原创 Read / Write Locks in Java(未完)

A read / write lock is more sophisticated lock than the Lock implementations shown in the text Locks in Java. Imagi

原创 Compare and Swap 、Anatomy of a Synchronizer

一、Compare and Swap Compare and swap is a technique used when designing concurrent algorithms. Basically, compare an