原创 龍貝格算法(Romberg)求定積分(C語言)

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> float f1(float x) { return exp(-x*x); } float f2(float x) { return si

原创 tensorflow實現AGN自編碼器

1.載入tensorflow,MNIST數據集和常用庫 import numpy as np import sklearn.preprocessing as prep import tensorflow as tf from te

原创 五步搞定win10安裝anaconda及tensorflow

1.首先安裝anaconda3(推薦清華開源鏡像站下載),開始菜單中出現了一個文件夾Anaconda3 2.在文件夾中打開Anaconda Navigator 單擊左側Environments,單擊左下角Create

原创 牛頓插值公式:牛頓前插(C語言)

題目: 算法: #include<stdio.h> #define N 3 void difference(float y[],float f[4][4],int n) { int k,i; f[0][0

原创 win10+tensorflow-gpu(1.12.0)+cuda9.0+cudnn成功配置多臺機器

舍友買了幾臺新筆記本,我們裝tensorflow玩玩,實測1060MQ,1060,甚至960顯卡都ok 第一步:下載安裝anaconda3 第二步:安裝tensorflow-gpu 打開anaconda prompt,輸入命令 p

原创 HDU 1052 tian ji--the horse racing

思路: 首先比較最慢的馬。 1.如果田忌最慢的馬比齊王最慢的馬還慢:那麼讓田忌最慢的馬去和齊王最快的馬比。輸一次。 2.如果田忌最慢的馬比齊王最慢的馬快:那麼讓兩個比,勝一次。 3.如果最慢的馬一樣快:再比較田忌和齊王最快的馬。如

原创 HDU 1010 tempter of the bone(DFS)

problem description The doggie found a bone in an ancient maze, which fascinated him a lot. However, when he picked it

原创 HDU 1009 fatmouse' trade(貪心)

problem description FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse contain

原创 HDU 1004 let the balloon rise

problem description contest time again! how excited it is to see balloons floating around. but to tell you a secret, th

原创 HDU 1093 for input-output practice(5)

problem description Your task is to calculate the sum of some integers. input Input contains an integer N in the first

原创 HDU 1000 A+B problem

problem description calculate A+B input each line will contain two integers A and B. process to end of lfile output

原创 HDU 1092 for input-output practice(4)

problem description Your task is to Calculate the sum of some integers. input Input contains multiple test cases. Each

原创 HDU 1064 financial management

problem description Larry graduated this year and finally has a job. He’s making a lot of money, but somehow never seem

原创 HDU 1018 big number(求n!的位數)

problem description In many applications very large integers numbers are required. Some of these applications are using

原创 HDU 1091 for input-output practice(3)

problem description Your task is to Calculate a + b. input Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains