原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文一:投訴信

Directions:   You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work th

原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文二:求職信

 Directions:   You want to apply for the following post/position: Waiter/w

原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文三:建議信

  Directions:   You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he

原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文五:邀請信

  Directions:   You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invit

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原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文六:道歉信

  Directions:   You have already had a date with your friend but suddenly

原创 秋藕最補人 8款食譜益胃健脾 養血補虛

    初秋,又到了進補的季節,其實有些素食的營養和滋補作用不亞於葷食,蓮藕就是一種理想的素食。   民諺曰:“荷蓮一身寶,秋藕最補人。”蓮藕不

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原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文七:感謝信

  Directions:  While your family was on vacation, your friend, Mary looked

原创 考研英語高分策略-應用文寫作範文十二:介紹信

  Directions:   You are writing your first letter to a pen pal.   1)Descri

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原创 OpenCV Tutorial 10 - Chapter 11

 ( 由於收到附件大小的限制,此篇的圖片無法上傳,請大家見諒,可登陸原網站查看:http://dasl.mem.drexel.edu/~noahKuntz/openCVTut10.html) Author: Noah Kuntz (200

原创 OpenCV Tutorial 7- Chapter 8

 Author: Noah Kuntz (2009)Contact: [email protected]: OpenCV, computer vision, image processing, contours My Vis

原创 OpenCV Tutorial 8 - Chapter 9

 Author: Noah Kuntz (2009)Contact: [email protected]: OpenCV, compu