原创 ロシア靑年無メンテナンス寫真(図)に刺激を求めて


原创 雨の中楊光作者ハルピン


原创 雨に作者遺失の風


原创 雨の夜の悲しみ作者寒伊亂舞


原创 父の天秤棒――清明祭り作者他郷客


原创 中年女性愛好模仿女兒穿着打扮社會生活English

Now a study confirms that mothers today look to their daughters for fashion and beauty inspiration. 最近一項研究證實,當初的媽媽們會從自

原创 俄民衆支持將列寧墓遷出紅場時事要聞English

俄羅斯執政黨“統一俄羅斯黨”最近發展的一項考覈顯示,三分之二的俄羅斯民衆支持將列寧墓遷出紅場。 The poll, organised by Vladimir Putin's ruling United Russia party, co

原创 Emergency text system goes live 英國:緊急短信服務

Trials are under way of a UK service allowing people to contact emergency services by text message. 英國正在進行一項允許人們用短信聯繫緊

原创 The Sound of Music 音樂之聲英語美文English

The hills are alive with the sound of music, With songs they have sung for a thousand years. The hills fill my heart w

原创 Google books deal battle heats up 谷歌數字圖書館建

The battle over Google's effort to digitise the world's books and create a vast online library has intensified. 谷歌欲將世界

原创 Timing is Everything成人笑話English

A very close friend of mine, named Alan, is chronically(長期地,慢性地) late, and not by just a little. Anybody that knows Al

原创 MacDonalds 翻譯成“麥當勞”爲什麼好?英語翻譯技巧E

良多國際著名品牌源於很平凡的名字,但譯爲中文必需有巧思。 如果把營銷比喻成一場戰鬥,那麼成功的品牌名稱就像一面不倒的軍旗。國際品牌要在寰球範圍內營銷,必須要超越種種文化妨礙,如語言差別、破費習慣差異、宗教差異等。 將品牌名稱譯爲中文必須

原创 Douglas devastated over arrest 道格拉斯一家因兒子

Actor Michael Douglas says his family is "devastated" by the arrest of his son on drugs charges. 演員Michael Douglas稱,他的

原创 mancation 男性假期生活英語English

The concept of a gender specific trip has been around since the first caveman took his club and went hunting with the

原创 Traces of planet collision found 行星相撞陳跡被髮

A Nasa space telescope has found evidence of a high-speed collision between two burgeoning planets orbiting a young st