原创 java多線程實現生產者消費者模式

package cn.learn.test;public class WaitNotifyTest { /**   * @param args   */  public static void main(String[] args) {

原创 Types in C++

Enumerated Types An integer really represents a value within a sequence — the sequence of numbers. Enumerated typeslet

原创 自動資源釋放-使用對象管理資源,解決資源泄露問題


原创 析構函數與異常

析構函數應該從不拋出異常 在爲某個異常進行棧展開時,如果析構函數又拋出自己的一個未經過處理的另外一個異常,將會導致調用標準庫的terminate函數,terninate函數將回調用abort函數,強制從整個程序非正常退出. 如果析構函數調

原创 java中的transient

被聲明爲transient的屬性,在序列化保存時是不會被保存的,比如密碼這類信息,爲了安全性,在序列化存儲對象時不需要保存,則可以把密碼聲明爲transient. 如下是transient的例子 保存對象前輸出:saved User:cn

原创 Greedy quantifiers, Reluctant quantifiers, Possessive quantifiers

Greedy quantifiers X? X, once or not at all X* X, zero or more times X+ X, one or more times X{n} X, exactly n times

原创 Tomcat Remote Debug

1.1     Tomcat Remote Debug 1.1.1     Run Tomcat as a windows service To configure remote debugging when windows as set

原创 Partial mock local private method or public method in the class and suppress static initial block

public class Calc { static { System.out.println("hahaha"); } public int add(int a, int b) { return interADD(a,

原创 wwwww


原创 webservice trainning plan

================================= webservice training plan ================================= 1. Write a HelloWorld with

原创 SSl握手流程

The previous section provides a high-level description of the SSL handshake, which is the exchange of information betwe

原创 Enable debug in JRE class

1. Create a temporary directory. Let's say "tmp" > mkdir \tmp > mkdir \tmp\out  2.  Extract src.zip in

原创 Link方式在MyEclipse安裝spket插件

1、 下載spket插件,將插件解壓縮到指定的目錄,例如D:\EclipsePlug目錄 2、 在Eclipse安裝目錄中創建文件夾Links,在文件中創建一個文件spket.link,在文件中寫入”path=D:\\EclipsePl

原创 Mock construction of new objects

Quick summary Use the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.Use the @PrepareF

原创 Comet (programming)

Comet is a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser,