原创 PeopleSoft 數據庫 VS Oracle 數據庫

Database一詞通常被PeopleSoft用來指代Oracle或其他數據庫的PeopleSoft administrative schema中的表集合。相比之下,Oracle將database描述爲物理數據、日誌文件和控制文件的集合

原创 AWE Tables and Migration script

AWE 9.1 Application Tables: -- Approval Process Definitions set output EOAW_Systbls_export.dat; set log EOAW_Systbls_

原创 Determine File Output Location

Suppose I want to create a file (printable report, log file, etc), where should I create the file? If you want the file

原创 Alter by Table Rename 與 Alter Table in Place 的一些記錄

參考1: 今天技術羣裏的某位兄弟遇到了一個奇怪的錯誤: Error: Cannot alter record EP_APPR_B_ITEM using Alter by Table Rename because one or more d

原创 Peoplesoft AWE Workflow configuration DMS scripts

Peoplesoft AWE Workflow configuration and setup tables. Ver 9.0 User the following scripts to move the AWE configurati

原创 Can't establish HTTP connection when consuming webservice

When registering in Consume Web Service Wizard, flowing error appeared: Go to integrationgateway.properties file whic

原创 計算時間間隔天數

參考1:&NUM_DAYS = Abs(Days(HIRE_Date) - Days(RELEASE_Date));    參考2: /*計算時間差直接用系統函數AgeInYears*/ /*來源於修改人員頁面的日期計算*/ Dec

原创 Oracle數據庫用戶

每個與數據庫建立了兩層連接的進程都通過一個PeopleSoft User或者operator ID識別自身。對登錄過程進行處理的目的是爲了安全的驗證PeopleSoft operator(已通過密碼驗證)被允許訪問PeopleSoft

原创 SQL Server 表空間問題

1.PS系統使用SQLSERVER數據庫,在AD中保存RECORD的時候會提示選擇表空間,但 SQLSERVER根本沒有表空間,所以解決辦法是在 “PeopleTools>實用程序>管理>PeopleTools”選項中去掉“平臺兼容性模式

原创 Migrating Queries from One User To Another從一個用戶遷移到另一個查詢

If you ever have a need to migrate queries from one user to another, you can do it quickly and easily with this useful

原创 %EXCEUTE在一個SQL Action裏執行多條SQL語句

Example: Scenario1: Open one SQL Action............. %EXECUTE (/) UPDATE P

原创 PeopleSoft Rich Text Boxes上定製Tool Bars

在使用PT8.50或在8.51時,你可能遇到過Rich-text編輯框。該插件使你能夠格式化文本,添加顏色、鏈接、圖片等等。下面是效果圖: 如果頁面中只有這麼一個字段,該文本框就會有足夠的空間來容納其中的tools bars了,但是通

原创 PeopleSoft Architecture && Overview

The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA) is a server-centric component architecture that enables secure end user ac

原创 Read A Flat File Using File Layout And Insert Into The Specific Component Using CI ( Bulk Insert )

Read A Flat File Using File Layout And Insert Into The Specific Component Using CI:Approach:Get the sample flat file an


PS_PTLT_COMP_NAV – Define Components Navigation Setup record (in PT>=8.4xx). It is a very useful table especially when