原创 CSS佈局之-水平垂直居中

CSS佈局之-水平垂直居中 div中的內容垂直居中的五種方法

原创 height vs line-height

line-height:行高 設置文字間上下距離 height:高度 就是定義一個層 或某樣東西的高度 也就是說line-height是特指單行高度,height可以爲所有元素的高度 是用來規定整個div的高搜索度,文字還

原创 promise

Callback Hell http://es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/promise JavaScript Promises for Dummies An Overview of JavaScript Pro

原创 塊級元素和行內元素


原创 Step form wizard design

https://cidcode.net/stepformwizard/index.html http://techbrij.com/stylish-asp-net-wizard-control-horizontal-sidebar


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44917/explicit-vs-implicit-sql-joins http://www.bennadel.com/blog/284-sql-optimi

原创 SQL

10 SQL Articles Everyone Must Read SQL JOIN or EXISTS? Chances Are, You’re Doing It Wrong

原创 浮動

CSS浮動 清楚浮動 那些年我們一起清除過的浮動 clear: both 在網頁中,DIV一般都是嵌套的,外面稱爲窗口,裏面的DIV存放內容,如果不浮動的話,如下面這段代碼 <div style="background:#c

原创 Java 8: Stream map method

It takes a lambda expression as its only argument, and uses it to change every individual element in the stream. It

原创 AngularJS: Stlye Guide

https://johnpapa.net/angular-style-guide/ 5 Guidelines For Avoiding Scope Soup in Angular

原创 Java 8: Stream filter method

Sometimes, you might want to work with only a subset of the elements. To do so, you can use the filter method. The

原创 AngularJS: controllers shouldn’t try to do too much

AngularJS: Use The Service, Not The Controller https://www.codeschool.com/discuss/t/angularjs-should-business-logic

原创 Fixing Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Error in Java

Fixing Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Error in Java

原创 Java 8: Functional Interfaces

Introduction to Functional Interfaces – A concept recreated in Java 8 Function接口 – Java8中java.util.function包下的函數式接口

原创 Java 8: Stream Reduction Operations

A reduction operation is one which allows you to compute a result using all the elements present in a stream. Reduc