原创 detectron2 demo cuda10.0 py3.6

Okay. No machine is immortal. My 180394930208th installation is done. Installation conda create -n detectron python

原创 給公司的電腦配置theano

anaconda安裝的python pip install theano安裝theano 輸入import theano遇到warning提示沒有找到g++ conda install mingw 輸入import theano遇到報錯屏

原创 如何用python一個字一個字的輸出漢字

for z in zi.decode('utf-8'): print(z.encode('utf-8')) 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 jodies 發佈了127 篇原

原创 從item-base到svd再到rbm,多種Collaborative Filtering(協同過濾算法)從原理到實現


原创 XGBoost原理及在Python中使用XGBoost

原理見:http://www.myexception.cn/operating-system/2084839.html 譯文轉自:http://blog.csdn.net/zc02051126/article/details/4677

原创 量化交易入門讀物列表

量化交易入門讀物列表 勿當作專業人員的推薦來看。 量化交易入門-譯言網 當真躺着賺錢?量化交易的十大難題 一文弄懂量化交易 怎樣躺着賺錢? Quantitative Trading: How to Build You

原创 ubuntu登陸死循環(全是搜狗拼音的鍋!!!!!!!!!!!)

搜狗拼音不知道爲啥安裝失敗,然後重啓計算機在登陸界面怎麼都登陸不了 查了很多很多很多網頁,現在3點20了,終於找到答案了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 http://askubuntu.com/questions/705319

原创 caffe compilation memo

Compile caffe from source for bottom-up NCCL (nvidia.com has been blocked 😦 download local installer then apt upda

原创 [快速救火]在ubuntu裏燒一塊win10安裝盤

How to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux https://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/  

原创 Why I can't reproduce my results

1. Pytorch's CPU's and GPU's seeds are independent. So set/save/load them independently https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/a

原创 python built-in cache (don't reinvent the wheel)

@functools.lru_cache def func(): ... very useful for loading/rolling out huge image features.

原创 最近ubuntu+gpu裝機記錄

Background: a new machine with 2 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti without OS Steps: ubuntu desktop + rufus + sandisk usb 製作系統安裝盤 (d

原创 神經網絡中快速傅立葉變換(FFT)的梯度傳遞

最近需要在神經網絡中構造複數酉矩陣做權重係數,使用了快速傅立葉變換和反變換.但是FFT不是theano的現成操作模塊(有人寫過對應的代碼,所以應該會很快加進去了),所以想自己去寫梯度傳遞來徹底搞清楚這件事.重新學一遍離散Fourier t

原创 connect to ubuntu 16.04 from windows 10 using x11vnc

以前ubuntu上不但裝過vnc,還配置成功過一次,但是登陸之後桌面會變成gnome一個奇奇怪怪的樣子。所以這次重新搞。主要是通過x11vnc,使得遠程訪問能夠完美還原unity桌面。1. terminal:sudo apt-get in

原创 Install Rouge and Pyrouge for python 2.7 (conda virtual env) on Linux 64

Who to complain to about this terrible package???? Its official website was down, its bugs and exceptions are famous, a