原创 git rev tips

1. git checkout to previous branch git checkout - like cd -,  - is an abbreviation of @{-1}, @{-n} denotes the nth prev


bash has a environment variable OLDPWD to keep track you last pwd when you cd directory eg. when you cd a dir and want

原创 xterm run command

create a new xterm window and run some command, after the command executed, keep the window. xterm -hold -e "cmd"

原创 avahi-daemon service

From wiki: avahi is a free zero-configuration networking (zeroconf) implementation, including a system formulticast D

原创 createrepo and smart channel

1. createrepo is python script to setup rpm repositories. mkdir ~/repo and copy your rpms into the directory. 2. create

原创 玩轉qemu之製作自定義鏡像

製作自動定義鏡像的方式很多種,這裏介紹使用supermin的方式來完成,下面的實驗在ubuntu 18.04 上進, 具體步驟可以參考man supermin。 supermin鏡像製作分成兩個階段,第一個階段是prepare, 第二是b

原创 xterm config


原创 ser2net,socat,netcat

use nc to copy files. when scp or ftp is not avaiable, it could quite useful on the sever side(receiver): nc -l -p 5000

原创 usb otg


原创 rewinding-git-commit-amend

http://blog.pivotal.io/labs/labs/rewinding-git-commit-amend It may come to pass that you will amend HEAD with changes

原创 部署自己的私有 Docker Registry

From:  http://lishaofengstar.blog.163.com/blog/static/131972852201411585441354/ https://www.digitalocean.com/community/

原创 screen

Please ref to this page: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-screen/ https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/

原创 Persistent block device naming

https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Persistent_block_device_naming 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 Xalloc

原创 telnet

telnet has default open port 23, which will remote login. But it has much more functions and can almost fullfill any ne

原创 network namespace tips

linux network namespace offer an intra net in our network. A network namespace includes ethernet interfaces and ip rout