原创 Professional JS(20-JSON Syntax/Serialization/Parse/XMLHttpRequest Object)

1.JSON ①JSON:JavaScript Object Notation對象表示法,一種數據格式。 ②JSON syntax allows the representation of three types of valu

原创 CSS常見BUG/清除浮動/跨瀏覽器兼容/函數作用域/閉包

1.CSS常見bug ①雙外邊距浮動 <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta charset='utf-8'> <link rel="s

原创 Professional JS(10.1.4--end)剩餘類型&DOM操作技術&黑畫--一百年後的編程語言

1.The Text Type[3] ①Text nodes are represented by the Text type and contain plain text(純文本) that is interpreted li

原创 Professional JS(HTML5 Event/Device Event[part])

1.beforeunload Event +①window對象上的beforeunload事件,是爲了讓開發人員有可能在頁面卸載之前阻止這一操作。IE,Firefox,Safari,Chrome和Opera 11+支持這個該事件

原创 Hanoi(漢諾塔)

//先來段代碼 function hanoi(disc,start,end,middle){ if(disc > 0){ hanoi(disc-1,start,middle,end); co

原创 Porfessional JS(15.2.10-Image Data/Composition/Typed Array/WebGL Context[part])

1.Working with Image Data +① var drawing=document.getElementById('drawing'); //確定瀏覽器支持<canvas>元素 if(drawing.getCon

原创 Professional JS(11.4.4-Markup Insertion/Scrolling/Event Flow/Event Handler/Event Object(part))

1.Markup Insertion(插入標記) ①The innerText property works with all text content contained with an element,regardless

原创 Professional JS(try-catch續/Node/Document類型)

1.try-catch語句續 ①只要代碼中包含finally子句,則無論try或catch語句塊包含什麼代碼—-甚至return語句,都不會阻止finally子句的執行。 function testFinally(){

原创 Porfessional JS(21.2-XMLHttpRequest Level 2/Progress Event/CORS)& Sharp jQuery(selectors[part])

1.The FormData Type +①The serialization of form data is frequently needed in modern web applications,and so the XM

原创 Professional JS 7.2.1閉包與變量----8.1.4窗口大小

1.this對象是由運行時函數的執行環境/上下文決定的,還取決於調用函數的方式。 1. var name='The Window'; var obj={ name:'My Object', getNameFunc:

原创 Professional JS(13.4.3Mouse and Wheel/Keyboard and Text/composition/Mutation/HTML5 Events[part])

1.Additional Event Information ①The DOM Level 2 Events specification provides the detail property on the event obj

原创 Professional JS(13.3.1Event Object in DOM/IE/Cross-Browser/UI&Focus&Mouse and Wheel event[half])

1.The DOM Event Object(續) +①The stopPropagation()【阻止傳播】 method stops the flow of an event through the DOM structur

原创 color/box-flex/transition/inline-block/outline/:not()

1.color & font-color & text-color ① <style type="text/css"> div{ width: 200px;

原创 知識點整理:box-sizing/clear/overhidden/box-flex/animation/replace(RegExp,'')/this/parseInt(num1,base)

1.CSS box-sizing屬性 div{ width:60px; padding:20px; box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box

原创 Professional JS(11.1-Selectors API/Elemenet Traversal/HTML5/Proprietary Extensions[part]-11.4.3)

1.DOM Extensions ①The two primary standards specifying DOM extensions are the Selectors API(選擇符API) and HTML5. 2.S