原创 Export/Import DataPump Parameter VERSION (Doc ID 553337.1)

Export/Import DataPump Parameter VERSION - Compatibility of Data Pump Between Different Oracle Versions (Doc ID 553337.

原创 SecureCRT中SFTP的使用

當你有SecureCRT可以遠程連接服務器 如果想在遠程服務器上下載或上傳文件,而此時沒有FTP軟件,可以考慮使用SecureCRT的中SFTP命令行功能 SFTP命令支持TAB鍵補全 幫助命令 sftp> help 上傳 put 下載

原创 示例:Oracle創建索引時中斷,再次創建報錯ORA-00955,rebuild報錯ORA-08104,使用DBMS_REPAIR.ONLINE_INDEX_CLEAN解決

創建測試環境 create table t as select * from dba_objects; insert into t select * from t; --多次執行,模擬大數據量,這樣創建索引時間長,容易模擬故

原创 Oracle Linux: 用於計算推薦的Linux HugePages/HugeTLB配置的值的Shell腳本(Doc ID 401749.1)

Oracle Linux: Shell Script to Calculate Values Recommended Linux HugePages / HugeTLB Configuration (Doc ID 401749.1) AP

原创 數據泵通過dblink使用參數network_link執行IMPDP/EXPDP

ORCL1 是源端,ORCL2是目標端 1. IMPDP + network_link, 直接將源端數據導入到目標庫中(DUMP文件不落地) --在ORCL2上創建DBLINK到ORCL1 create [public] database

原创 HugePages on Oracle Linux 64-bit (Doc ID 361468.1)

HugePages on Oracle Linux 64-bit (Doc ID 361468.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version

原创 Hint學習_01_Hint基本格式

1. Hint必須以如下格式出現在SQL文本中 /*+ <具體的Hint內容> */ 2. Hint在SQL文本中必須緊跟關鍵字SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE或MERGE之後 {SELECT | INSERT |

原创 ALERT: 禁用 透明 HugePages on SLES11, RHEL6, RHEL7, OL6, OL7, and UEK2 and above (Doc ID 1557478.1)

ALERT: Disable Transparent HugePages on SLES11, RHEL6, RHEL7, OL6, OL7, and UEK2 and above (Doc ID 1557478.1) APPLIES T

原创 使用帶有NETWORK_LINK的IMPDP傳輸LOB時的性能問題 (Doc ID 1488229.1)

Performance Problems When Transferring LOBs Using IMPDP With NETWORK_LINK (Doc ID 1488229.1) SYMPTOMS A severe performa

原创 診斷和理解爲什麼查詢不使用索引 (Doc ID 67522.1)

Diagnosing and Understanding Why a Query is Not Using an Index (Doc ID 67522.1) PURPOSE  This article is intended to as

原创 如何計算某個進程使用的 Hugepage Size (Doc ID 2493079.1)

How to Calculate Hugepage Size Which is Used by a Certain Process (Doc ID 2493079.1) APPLIES TO: Linux OS - Version Ora

原创 Oracle Linux: 如何在Oracle Linux 7上禁用透明HugePages (Doc ID 2336923.1)

Oracle Linux: How To Disable Transparent HugePages On Oracle Linux 7 (Doc ID 2336923.1) APPLIES TO: Linux OS - Version

原创 索引跳躍掃描 Index Skip Scan Feature (Doc ID 212391.1)

Index Skip Scan Feature (Doc ID 212391.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later

原创 Ora-01031 將Flashback_time選項與EXPDP/IMPDP Network_link一起使用時權限不足(Doc ID 436106.1)

Ora-01031: Insufficient Privileges, When Using The Flashback_time Option with EXPDP/IMPDP Network_link (Doc ID 436106.1

原创 Oracle AHF 只提取 orachk

  root@orcl1:/home/oracle/ahf> ./ahf_setup -extract orachk AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64 AHF