原创 Uva445

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define maxn 100 int main(){ int times,length,period,flag,i,j,num; cha

原创 Uva1368

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(){ int m,n,distance=0,i,j,letter,number,times; char str[50][1

原创 驗證碼一個簡單的實現

<?php header("content-type:image/png"); $img=imagecreatetruecolor(100, 40); $black = imagecolorallocate

原创 Some Basic Concepts in Image Steganography

轉載自:http://thelivingpearl.com/2014/04/07/some-basic-concepts-in-image-steganography/ (Note: I am by no means an ex

原创 特權級、調用門筆記

DPL 特權級描述符(Descriptor Privilege Level) 對於數據段來說,DPL決定了訪問它們所應當具備的最低特權級別。 CPL 當前特權級(Current Privilege Level) 當前處理

原创 Uva10340

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define maxn 100000 int main(){ int i,j; char str1[maxn],str2[maxn];

原创 Linux學習筆記

注:改筆記是在慕課網學習時記錄的。 常用命令 - 首先linux中有一個[root@localhost ~]# 其中: root 當前登入用戶 localhost 主機名稱 ~ 當前所在目錄 # 超

原创 SQLZOO(SELECT from Nobel Tutorial)Writeup

轉載自SQLZOO(SELECT from Nobel Tutorial)Writeup 1. SELECT yr, subject, winner FROM nobel WHERE yr = 1950 2. SELECT

原创 SQLZOO(SELECT within SELECT Tutorial)Writeup

轉載自SQLZOO(SELECT within SELECT Tutorial)Writeup 1. SELECT name FROM world WHERE population > (SELECT populat

原创 Python學習筆記之基本數據類型

基本的int,double,float,字符串,數組 list類型 classmates = ['Michael', 'Bob', 'Tracy'] 操作例如: len(classmates) classmates[-1

原创 Uva1586

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(){ int times,str_length,flag,i,j,number; float sum,atom;

原创 SQLZOO(SELECT from WORLD Tutorial)Writeup

1. SELECT name, continent, population FROM world 2. SELECT name FROM world WHERE population>200000000 3. select nam

原创 SQLZOO(The JOIN operation)Writeup

轉載自SQLZOO(The JOIN operation)Writeup 1. SELECT matchid,player FROM goal WHERE teamid = 'GER' 2. SELECT id,stadium

原创 Uva202

include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define maxn 100 #define display_limit 50 #define max_INT 10000 int main(){

原创 SQLZOO(SUM and COUNT)Writeup

轉載自SQLZOO(SUM and COUNT)Writeup 1. SELECT SUM(population) FROM world 2. select DISTINCT(continent) from world 3. se