原创 51 talk immersion notes

Accepting A Suggestion 1. That sounds great. I'll take it. 2. good idea 3. it will save you some time 4. That sounds l

原创 51Talk-Level 7 Unit 3 L4

今日主題:投訴旅行社(Complain to the travel agency) 高頻口語句型(想到中文但是不能馬上聯想到英文的): 1. complain to the travel agency  投訴旅行社 2. sm

原创 51Talk-Level 7 Unit 2 L4

今日主題:撰寫招聘廣告 高頻口語句型(想到中文但是不能馬上聯想到英文的): 1. that kind of 那種 There is not a high demand for that kind of job . 2. at som

原创 51Talk-Level 7 Unit 3 L1

今日主題:尋找在酒店中丟失的東西 高頻口語句型(想到中文但是不能馬上聯想到英文的): 1. knock at 敲門 2. refer somebody to somplace 帶某人去某地 3. take care of 照顧

原创 51Talk-Level 7 Unit 5 L3

今日主題:討論好消息和壞消息(talking about good news and bad news ) 高頻口語句型(想到中文但是不能馬上聯想到英文的): 1. sales director 銷售總監 2. I'm real