原创 VMware Workstation Pro 15 共享虛擬機的時候 Workstation Server 不可用

打開VMware Workstation Server服務   參考:https://www.zhangfangzhou.cn/shared-vms-the-workstation-server-is-not-available.htm

原创 ant -v unsupported major.minor version 52.0 java home配置問題

百度總是說jdk版本不符,但是,Java -version  的確是1.8的,和ant版本匹配,因爲安裝了idea,在idea上 ant build的可以成功,找了下idea上的jdk配置,發現Javahome的配置不同,改成idea上的

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原创 hackerrank -python --List 1

Consider a list (list = []). You can perform the following commands: insert i e: Insert integer  at position . print: P

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Check Tutorial tab to know how to to solve. You are given a string  and width . Your task is to wrap the string into a

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Mr. Vincent works in a door mat manufacturing company. One day, he designed a new door mat with the following specifica

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Task You are given a partial code that is used for generating the HackerRank Logo of variable thickness. Your task is t

原创 Python hash() 函數 -- 筆記

hash() 用於獲取取一個對象(字符串或者數值等)的哈希值。 釋義:通過一定的哈希算法(典型的有MD5,SHA-1等),將一段較長的數據映射爲較短小的數據,這段小數據就是大數據的哈希值。他有這樣一個特點,他是唯一的,一旦大數據發生了變化

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1、獲取響應數據---ResponseData String RespMessageData =  prev.getResponseDataAsString(); 2、獲取響應頭信息---ResponseHeaders //Sampl

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You are given a string and your task is to swap cases. In other words, convert all lowercase letters to uppercase lette

原创 List 截取倒序

python list截取倒序,[]裏第一個 :  左右爲數組截取第索引位置(左邊爲大的索引位置,右邊爲小的索引位置,反過來),左邊如果爲空,默認爲最後一個索引位置,右邊爲空,默認爲索引0;後面 :-1 固定 a = [1, 3, 4,

原创 hackerrank String 3 Find a string

In this challenge, the user enters a string and a substring. You have to print the number of times that the substring o