原创 How do you want to give up

How do you want to give up But I want to do it anyway Still paralyzing until it breaks I still know it's going to hur

原创 Let the wind gently lift the veil and go through t

Let the wind gently lift the veil and go through the time to tell an old myth that warms the sensitive heart in the blea

原创 Even that cloud son secretly see his hazy moonligh

Even that cloud son secretly see his hazy moonlight in the lover is still under that moon? Who are the stars looking at?

原创 Cold pupil

Cold pupil It's all about luxury When one day you look back Maybe everything should be like this It's over The

原创 Turn over a few pages of the book of songs, calm d

Turn over a few pages of the book of songs, calm down and wait silently for a ray of sunshine Who knows under the sun L

原创 Hometown silent

Hometown silent The night lamp is long and silent. It's all a premeditated release Vanishing Sparkling fire Wh

原创 Infatuated with mini beauty, I'm obsessed with loo

Infatuated with mini beauty, I'm obsessed with looking forward to meeting you, you're beautiful, I've completely abandon

原创 Have you ever seen that sad face?

Have you ever seen that sad face? Wave medium Half chaos. Gazing at the far away River Half bright Poetry is not c

原创 CentOS7.2編譯安裝LNMP(Nginx1.16+MySQL5.6+PHP5.6)

CentOS7.2編譯安裝LNMP(Nginx1.16+MySQL5.6+PHP5.6) 最近停掉了兩臺用了兩年多的安暢真機服務器,換騰訊雲CentOS,原環境是Win2008+Apache2.4+PHP5.6+MySQL5.5,所以花點

原创 CentOS7.2升級自帶PHP至7.2,並安裝PHP的pcntl擴展運行workerman

最近弄ThiinkPHP5.1程序,有用到workerman跑些後臺任務,例如消息隊列、訂單結算等。CentOS7.2自帶的PHP是5.4,無法滿足TP5.1的運行要求,所以需要升級至7.x,並安裝pcntl擴展。 參考:https://

原创 MySQL實現按天分組統計,提供完整日期列表,無數據自動補0

MySQL實現按天分組統計,提供完整日期列表,無數據自動補0業務需求解決思路 業務需求 最近要在PHP+MySQL的老系統中加個統計功能,要求是按指定日期範圍裏按天分組統計數據量,並且要能夠查看該時間段內每天的數據量。 解決思路 直接

原创 基於Acegi權限控制的思路

 權限模型如下: 1.資源表:用來存儲希望權限系統保護起來的東西。例如URL,方法(增、刪、改、查等) ,也就是RBAC模型裏說的“目標objects(OBS)” 2.角色表:用戶分類。 3.角色-資源對照表:角色所允許操作的資源。 4.