原创 libevent CentOS7 編譯

安裝 libevent 出錯: event.c error: 'CLOCK_MONOTONIC' undeclaredchecking build system type... configure: error: cannot guess

原创 MySQL5.6.44 [Err] 1067 - Invalid default value for

場景            [Err] 1067 - Invalid default value for 'create_date',對於創建表種的語句如下:          `create_date` timestamp(0) NOT 

原创 7za CentOS7 解壓指令源碼安裝

場景        CentOS源碼倉庫沒有提供7za解壓指令包,源碼編譯安裝1)源代碼下載wget https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/p7zip/p7zip/16.02/p7zip_16.02

原创 'CvSVM' has not been declared

編譯錯誤In file included from /home/dong/color/color-detector/test.cpp:7:0:/home/dong/color/color-detector/colorDetector.cpp

原创 Tomcat崩潰kernel: java invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask

場景Jan 16 03:03:57 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: network-posix.c GetIpv4VifIp 1201 : failed to GetIpv4VifGatewayJan 16 03:

原创 MySQL5.6.44dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause

問題1)        SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column \\'testdb.testtables.plat_id\\' whic

原创 MySQL5.7.28 配置文件編寫


原创 MySQL how to run mysqld as root

場景        版本5.6.44,[ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as ro

原创 Linux 海康華爲SDK頭文件衝突解決

問題        HWPuSDK.h:40:14: 錯誤:‘DWORD’早先被聲明爲‘typedef long int DWORD’        HCNetSDK.h:30:33: 錯誤:相互衝突的聲明‘typedef unsigned

原创 tar 指令

一 帶路徑壓縮tar -zcPf test.tar.gz /opt/fengyuzaitu/testP參數按原來的絕對路徑壓縮沒有P參數壓縮將會去掉根路徑,打印Removing leading '/' from member names二

原创 abrt-ccpp CentOS7 bug報告服務

無法創建ccpp文件導致的“abrtd” creates a sub-directory (named something like “ccpp-1279914365-14618″) in the directory “/var/cache

原创 MySQL5.7.28 初始化數據庫

1)初始化隨機密碼    mysqld --initialize [root@host-172-16-61-102 bin]# ./mysqld --initialize2020-02-15T07:01:38.309015Z 0 [Warn

原创 mysql 客戶端異常段錯誤

[root@host-172-16-61-102 bin]# ./mysql -uroot -pEnter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g

原创 ldd 查詢共享庫依賴

[root@host-172-16-61-169 cmms]# ldd  test linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x0000ffff89820000) liblog4cplus-1.2.so.5 => not found li

原创 MySQL MariaDB密碼以及遠程訪問權限配置

環境MySQL 版本 Server version: 5.5.64-MariaDB MariaDB Server Linux版本  CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (AltArch)操作1)root默認情況下無須