原创 5 free open source alternatives to Microsoft Office

While Microsoft Office is the industry standard in terms of , integrated applications for word processing, spreadsheet

原创 回收站功能在 Linux 中的實現

本文仿照 Windows 回收站的功能,運用 Bash 腳本在 Linux 上做了實現,創建 delete 腳本代替 rm 命令對文件或目錄進行刪除操做。該腳本實現了以下功能:對大於 2G 的文件或目錄直接刪除,否則放入$HOME/tra

原创 15 Useful Project Management Tools

In today’s fast paced business world being able to manage a project through planning, organizing, and managing resource

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原创 Openstack, An open source cloud platform

What's OpenstackOpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiqui

原创 18 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance

It’s really very tough job for every System or Network administrator to monitor and debug Linux System Performance probl

原创 LOCKSS Preserve your digital data

This is a very recommended open-source software. What Is LOCKSS?The LOCKSS Program is an open-source, library-led digita

原创 10個你應該知道的最危險的 linux 命令

1. rm -rf CommandThe rm -rf command is one of the fastest way to delete a folder and its contents. But a little typo or

原创 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

Need to monitor Linux server performance? Try these built-in commands and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions a

原创 Server Hard drive mode

All the harddrive.

原创 Linux:How To Use Screen Command To Manage Your Remote Session

Do you often need SSH or telent to remote Linux server? Do you tired for some long time running tasks , such as system b

原创 Unix 高手的另外 10 個習慣

原文出處: IBM DeveloperWorks讓我們面對現實吧:壞習慣很難改變。但是您已經熟悉的習慣可能更難克服。有時,重新審視某些事情可能讓您遇到“啊哈,我沒想到它能做到這一點!”的時刻。在 Michael Stutz 的《UNIX 高

原创 Esx 開啓串口

1.enable serial port on firewall, Host---configuration---Security profile--edit2.details3. shutdown the vm and add seria