原创 PKI 加密 解密過程


原创 Kali 2啓用OpenVAS

先完成初始化操作2. 完成後修改admin用戶密碼3. 登錄管理界面https://

原创 Kali運行wireshark報錯信息處理

直接運行wireshark的話會報錯:Lua: Error during loading:[string "/usr/share/wireshark/init.lua"]:45: dofile has been disabledvi /us

原创 Install Splunk 7 on Ubuntu 16.04.5

Splunk on Ubuntu 16.04 change interface name to normalvi /etc/default/grubadd net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 to GRUB_CMDLI


原创 我的友情鏈接


原创 Testing System Logging with logger

Before we leave the topic of system-logger configuration and use, we should cover a tool that can be used to test your n

原创 CentOS 7 sudo日誌添加

echo "local2.debug /var/log/sudo.log" >>/etc/rsyslog.confecho "Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log" >>/etc/sud

原创 Installing Burp's CA Certificate in Firefox

With Burp running, visit http://burp in your browser and click the "CA Certificate" link to download and save your Burp

原创 Remove Old Kernels on CentOS/RHEL

This is very easy task, you need yum-utils package. Check Installed Kernels rpm -q kernelkernel-2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64k


原创 安裝完CentOS 6後須檢查事宜

1. disable firewall:service iptables stopchkconfig iptables off; chkconfig ip6tables off2. disable selinuxsetenforce 0se

原创 上帝美好的應許

當你看不清方向的時候,上帝說:忘記背後,努力面前,向着標杆直跑。     當你怒氣難當的時候,上帝說:不可含怒到日落。不輕易發怒的人,大有智慧。  當你對別人冷漠的時候,上帝說:你要心裏火熱,要愛人如己。    當你害怕的時候,上帝說:我賜

原创 NMAP高級用法的一些例子

定製探測包Nmap提供–scanflags選項,用戶可以對需要發送的TCP探測包的標誌位進行完全的控制。可以使用數字或符號指定TCP標誌位:URG, ACK, PSH,RST, SYN,and FIN。例如,nmap -sX -T4 –sc

原创 Configuring Promiscuous Mode in VMware Workstation

Shut down the VMware host. Locate the VMX file associated with it. Edit the file and locate the Ethernet section. Add a