原创 install Virtualbox under FreeBSD 10

   Now, FreeBSD 10 has been realeased. And GCC was taken place of clang (a llvm compiler). Because of this, some softwa

原创 Makefile in detail (makefile詳解)

I have found a very nice artical about Makefile. If you are interested in it, you can look up here.Hopefully, you like i

原创 vim中顯示windows或者dos的換行符^M


原创 SDL2 for windows with MinGW32


原创 How to install amp environment under FreeBSD

Amp refers to Apache+Mysql+Php. Recommendation: http://www.iceflatline.com/2011/11/how-to-install-apache-mysql-php-and-p

原创 How to install webcamd--安裝webcamd

main site: http://www.rockafunk.org/links to http://www.rockafunk.org/InstallWebcamd.htmlfor my own collections.