原创 Centos7安裝mysql社區版

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原创 Checking out and building Chromium on Linux

There are instructions for other platforms linked from the get the code page.Instructions for Google EmployeesAre you a

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原创 Ubuntu下LXC/LXD常用配置

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原创 vim的命令學習筆記


原创 Linux的常用目錄(Ubuntu)

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原创 How to use xxnet for linux

Linux系統執行 ./start 啓動自動導入證書,需安裝 libnss3-tools 包sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools沒有安裝PyGtk的,需要先安裝gtk:sudo apt-get install

原创 ubuntu18.04LTS-vmware-tools

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原创 Ubuntu LXD下Centos7搭建OpenJDK8+MariaDB

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