原创 Integrating Siebel with LDAP/SSO

In this DocumentPurpose Scope Details Siebel Components Integration Architecture Preparing Your Environment ReferencesAP

原创 How to Create a Custom Siebel Login Page

This article describes the steps to take to create your own custom Siebel login page for thin client.You can make the Si

原创 Installing Multiple Versions of MySQL

Installing Multiple Versions of MySQLAs with any RDBMS, there are circumstances in which you need to run multiple, diffe

原创 Linux 6 常用工具設置方法

更改時區 在使用tzselect 方法設置後並不起作用,直接更改配置信息 cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime2.   安裝vnc 6版本以上的vnc和原來的名字有所區別,

原创 Online Redo Log File(聯機重做日誌)

Online Redo Log File(聯機重做日誌) 一.Online Redo Log File作用1.記錄對數據所做的所有更改。2.提供恢復機制。二.Redo Log File Groups(聯機重做日誌組)    Oracle把R

原创 Data Guard相關參數詳解

轉載自:http://blog.itpub.net/519536/viewspace-578352/   有關物理Data Guard部署參考《【DataGuard】同一臺主機實現物理Data Guard配置安裝》(http://space

原创 我的友情鏈接

51CTO博客開發Siebel Tech Blog遊響雲停李小鵬這個人的IT世界這個人的IT世界

原创 ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active

ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is activeCause: Attempted to start an incompatible media recovery or open rese

原创 CentOS6.6配置iptables

如果沒有安裝iptables可以直接用yum安裝yum install -t iptables檢查iptables服務的狀態,service iptables status如果出現“iptables: Firewall is not run

原创 WordPress 3.9 Released – Install Using LAMP or LEMP on RHEL, CentOS & Fedora

Well, on the internet you will find a number of good and better ways to install WordPress on Linux, but this installatio

原创 Installing Odoo 8 on CentOS 6 with Python 2.7

This tutorial will walk you through the process of installing the latest version of Odoo on CentOS 6. It is intended fo

原创 CentOS下MySQL 5.7編譯安裝

CentOS下MySQL 5.7編譯安裝文章目錄安裝依賴包下載相應源碼包添加mysql用戶預編譯編譯安裝啓動腳本,設置開機自啓動/etc/my.cnf,僅供參考初始化數據庫設置數據庫密碼MySQL 5.7 GA版本的發佈,也就是說從現在開始

原创 Automating Database Startup and Shutdown on Linux

    linux 中安裝數據庫完成後設置爲隨系統的一起啓動    1.oracle實例安裝完成後創建文件/etc/oratab 編輯restart 標識爲'Y'    PRIMARY:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.

原创 Install Redmine on Centos 6.5

     Install Redmine on Centos 6.5 - 64 bitInstall Redmine on Centos 6.5 - 64 bitThe System RequirementsUpdate the Syste

原创 how To Install nginx on CentOS 6 with yum

How To Install nginx on CentOS 6 with yum  nginx is a high performance web server software. It is a much more flexible a