原创 A. Bear and Reverse Radewoosh

Limak and Radewoosh are going to compete against each other in the upcoming algorithmic contest. They are equally ski

原创 A. Team

One day three best friends Petya, Vasya and Tonya decided to form a team and take part in programming contests. Parti

原创 A. Boy or Girl

Those days, many boys use beautiful girls’ photos as avatars in forums. So it is pretty hard to tell the gender of a

原创 A. Domino piling

You are given a rectangular board of M × N squares. Also you are given an unlimited number of standard domino pieces

原创 A. Fingerprints

You are locked in a room with a door that has a keypad with 10 keys corresponding to digits from 0 to 9. To escape fr

原创 A. Way Too Long Words

Sometimes some words like “localization” or “internationalization” are so long that writing them many times in one te

原创 A. Tom Riddle's Diary

Harry Potter is on a mission to destroy You-Know-Who’s Horcruxes. The first Horcrux that he encountered in the Chambe

原创 A. Golden Plate

You have a plate and you want to add some gilding to it. The plate is a rectangle that we split into w×hw×h cells. Th

原创 A. Petya and Origami

Petya is having a party soon, and he has decided to invite his nn friends. He wants to make invitations in the form o