原创 Hexagonal Rooks 計蒜客(模擬)

Hexagonal Rooks 計蒜客 - 43472 It is game night and Alice and Bob are playing chess. After beating Bob at chess severa

原创 Hungry Canadian Gym - 101484G

Hungry Canadian  Gym - 101484G    Teodoro just moved to Canada. He is having a hard time there as the cost of living is

原创 Canyon Crossing(二分+bfs)

Canyon Crossing 計蒜客 - 43467 64000K The Bridge And Passageway Creators are responsible for making new paths through

原创 P3810 陌上花開(三維偏序,cdq分治模板)

https://www.luogu.org/problem/P3810   //第一維排序,第二維cdq分治,第三維樹狀數組 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lo

原创 Number Game (博弈) Gym - 101653Q

Alice and Bob are playing a game on a line of N squares. The line is initially populated with one of each of the number

原创 Largest Allowed Area(二維前綴和+二分)

Largest Allowed Area Gym - 102091L  A company is looking for land to build its headquarters. It has a lot of money and

原创 Log Concave Sequences(矩陣快速冪求遞推)

Log Concave Sequences  Gym - 102302H  A sequence of numbers A is said to be logarithm concave if, and only if, for ever

原创 Deceptive Dice (規律)

Deceptive Dice 計蒜客 - 43468 Recently your town has been infested by swindlers who convince unknowing tourists to pla

原创 Jokewithpermutation Gym - 100553J (bfs)

Jokewithpermutation  Gym - 100553J    Joey had saved a permutation of integers from 1 to n in a text file. All the numb

原创 travel Gym - 247728H(樹形DP)

travel Gym - 247728H White Cloud has a tree with n nodes.The root is a node with number 1. Each node has a value. W

原创 Exponial Kattis - exponial(歐拉降冪)

降冪公式: 模板題: Exponial . 計算:exponial(n)%m . (1<= n,m <= 109) exponial(n) = n^ (n-1^ ( n-2^ ( n-3^ (n-4^ (…^ 1))))

原创 Lomsat gelral CodeForces - 600E(樹上啓發式合併)

Lomsat gelral CodeForces - 600E You are given a rooted tree with root in vertex 1. Each vertex is coloured in some

原创 Symmetric Matrix Gym - 247727B

Symmetric Matrix Gym - 247727B Count the number of n×n matrices A satisfying the following condition modulo m. Ai

原创 【美團杯2020】平行四邊形(原根)

【美團杯2020】平行四邊形 蒜斜非常喜歡下圍棋。自從AlphaOg面世以來,他就立志一定要研究出AlphaOg的破綻。 終於,他發現當AlphaOg遇到一種特殊局面後,它的神經網絡會自動輸出“投降”! 隨着進一步的研究,蒜斜發現

原创 Monotonic Matrix Gym - 247727A

Monotonic Matrix Gym - 247727A Count the number of n×m matrices A satisfying the following condition modulo (109+7)