原创 Measure data roaming traffic on Android?

Question: Just back from a very nice vacation in Iceland, and await the data roaming bill from my phone company. I hop

原创 Using the Android Application class to persist data

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4208886/using-the-android-application-class-to-persist-data Question: I'm working

原创 獲取Android的Java源代碼並在Eclipse中關聯查看的最新方法

獲取Android的Java源代碼並在Eclipse中關聯查看的最新方法 作者:lizongbo 發表於:01:59. 星期六, 一月 1st, 2011 版權聲明:可以任意轉載,轉載時請務必以超鏈接形式標明文章原始出處和作者信息及本版權

原创 how to completely get rid of an activity's GUI (avoid a black screen)

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551868/how-to-completely-get-rid-of-an-activitys-gui-avoid-a-black-screen Question: