原创 CEP

http://www.eventstreamprocessing.com/cep-history.htm http://www.infoq.com/n

原创 JSE links

Tutorials: http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/ memory leak: http://

原创 interview questions and riddles sites

http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi http://www.qbyte.org

原创 Mathematics Links

Probabilities and Statistics: http://www.ability.org/probstat.html http://www.math.ucla.edu/~tom/ http://www.jdawiseman

原创 Finance books

Unknown: The concepts and practice of mathematical finance Derivatives: Mod

原创 Finance links

Code references: http://finance-old.bi.no/~bernt/ (C++) http://quantlib.org/ (C++) http://www.mathfinance.org/FF/cpplib

原创 Spring ProxyFactoryBean

There are several discussion about swapping objects during runtime. For exa

原创 Another Google question - drop glassballs from a building 2

Here is the code following the logic from the previous post:java 代碼   pack

原创 Windows

http://virt-dimension.sourceforge.net/ - virtual desktop

原创 Spring Batch and other uncharted water

Spring's new module - Spring Batch, a much needed module. Besides the usual

原创 Another Google question - drop glassballs from a building 3

The next step is to find the actually path of floors that we are going thro

原创 Another Google question - drop glassballs from a building 5

Here are some results are the testcases: 1. PathFindTest.test4Ball100Floors

原创 Another Google question - drop glassballs from a building 4

The test cases are divided into 3 classes. The first one is just a pinpoint

原创 OOP

OCP: Open for extension, close for modification(black box) SRP: Single responsibility Principle(do one thing, and do on

原创 Financial Data

http://www.bloomberg.com Bond: http://www.nasdbondinfo.com/asp/bond_search.