原创 FlyinFiber How Series: How to choose the right switch

A network switch is a small hardware device that centralizes communications among multiple connected devices withi

原创 FlyinFiber How Series:How Much Do You Know about Ethernet Switch

Today, all plants are virtually networked via Ethernet. High requirements are placed on the network infrastructure

原创 IDC數據中心相關業務簡單介紹

IDC數據中心相關業務簡單介紹 IaaS、PaaS、SaaS、BaaS、FaaS,這些名詞後面都帶着aas三個字母,aas 是 As-a-Service,即爲服務的意思。我們看下面這個架構圖: IaaS、PaaS、SaaS 雲平

原创 FlyinFiber How series:How to Choose QSFP28 Optics for your data center

How to Choose QSFP28 Optics for your data center? As we know, QSFP28 is considered to be the mainstream form factor


WHAT IS A ACTIVE OPTICAL CABLE (AOC) ANYWAY? Here is the brief definition of AOC: Active Optical Cable (AOC) is a c

原创 5G移動網絡的光傳輸解決方案

5G移動網絡的光傳輸解決方案 ​ 1. 5G 是什麼? 第五代移動電話行動通信標準,也稱第五代移動通信技術,英文縮寫:5G。按照3GPP組織的時間表,R14標準主要開展5G系統框架和關鍵技術研究;R15滿足部分場景的5G需求,開啓商用進程

原创 FlyinFiber How Series:How Much Do You Know about Ethernet Switch

Today, all plants are virtually networked via Ethernet. High requirements are placed on the network infrastructure

原创 Demystifying Ethernet Types— Difference between Cat5e, Cat 6, and Cat7

Demystifying Ethernet Types— Difference between Cat5e, Cat 6, and Cat7 ​ Ethernet represents the plumbing pipes of

原创 The theme of the 17th CPSE is Technology + AI

The theme of the 17th CPSE is Technology + AI Artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and the Internet o

原创 CDR簡介

光模塊的作用是光電轉換,發送端把電信號轉換成光信號,通過光纖傳輸後,接收端把光信號轉換成電信號。而CDR(clock data recovery)是光模塊的一個重要組成部分,也叫時鐘恢復電路。它的作用主要是從接收到的信號中提取出數

原创 PCB設計爲何一般控制50歐姆阻抗?

做PCB設計過程中,在走線之前,一般我們會對自己要進行設計的項目進行疊層,根據厚度、基材、層數等信息進行計算阻抗,計算完後一般可得到如下圖示內容。 圖1 疊層信息圖示 從上圖可以看出,設計上面的單端網絡一般都是50歐姆來管控,那

原创 AOC vs DAC

Direct Attach Cables (DAC) and Active Optical Cables (AOC) are growing in popularity as data center and enterprise

原创 光模塊應用場景-互聯網數據中心,城域網光傳送網絡,5G承載網電信網絡

光模塊應用場景-互聯網數據中心,城域網光傳送網絡,5G承載網電信網絡 科技的飛速發展,使人們的生活日新月異。5G、大數據、區塊鏈、雲計算、物聯網以及人工智能等應用市場快速發展,給數據流量帶來了爆炸性增長,數據中心、互聯逐漸發展成爲光通信的

原创 FlyinFiber-Choosing the right 100G QSFP28 Transceiver

QSFP28 has become the dominant form factor for 100G networks. The interconnect offers four channels of high-speed

原创 FlyinFiber What Series:What's The Diff.Btw SFP/SFP+/QSFP+/QSFP28

Recently, we can see some products information about fiber optic transceivers, such SFP, SFP+, XFP, QSFP and QSFP+