原创 golang notes(10)---add Zap Logger to ngapp

part of utils/zaplog.go: // NewZapLogger initializes then returns a zap.Logger. func NewZapLogger(path string) *zap.Lo

原创 golang notes(7)---PAT (Basic Level) 1007-素數對猜想

Comparison of 'Sieve of Eratosthenes' and 'Sieve of Euler': refer to:https://www.jianshu.com/p/7867517826e7 Sieve of Er

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.4)

(continued) (5,5) configure slave node and join the k8s cluster I'm using debian-testing in vmware as the slave node. Y

原创 O-RAN notes(1)

1, O-RAN Architecture overview O-RAN alliance link: https://www.o-ran.org/ O-RAN Specifications link: https://www.o-ran

原创 golang notes(4)

1, Execise: Web Crawler Solution #1: use channel to synchronize goroutines  <cache *Cache> is used to avoid URL duplica

原创 golang notes(3)

1, Execise: Errors Note: A call to fmt.Sprint(e) inside the Error method will send the program into an infinite loop. Y

原创 golang notes(2)

1, IDE (goland) One may need 'jetbrains-agent-latest.zip':  鏈接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ze1TUhByRNX7BkAU8mNpIw 提取碼: dx

原创 golang notes (1)

1, how to install Go download binary distribution(latest is 1.14.3): https://golang.google.cn/dl/ $sudo tar -C /usr/lo