原创 Supervised Classification——Logistic Regression Classification

目錄1. 理解2. 方法2.1 Hypothesis representation2.2 Cost function2.2 Gradient Descent3. 代碼參考 1. 理解 Logistic regression cla

原创 Supervised Classification——Decision tree

目錄1. 理解2. 方法2.1 Attribute Selection Measures2.1.1 Information Gain2.1.2 Gain Ratio2.1.3 Gini Index2.2 When to stop

原创 SQL Window Function

文章目錄1. 窗口函數2. 語法2.1 分析函數(Analytical function)2.2 PARTITION BY & ORDER BY2.4 ROWS3. 用法舉例3.1 GROUP BY vs OVER(PARTITI

原创 Git and GItLab

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原创 1.Read/Write file

Content1. Text file2. CSV file3. Other types of files 1. Text file f = open(file, mode) mode explanation r d

原创 Supervised classification——KNN

目錄1. 理解2. 方法3. 代碼參考 1. 理解 KNN(K-Nearest Neighbours)是一種比較簡單的有監督分類算法。有監督的意思是對於每個數據實體,都有一個標籤,在分類的時候我們會使用到這個標籤。簡單來說,對一個

原创 Data operations

Content1. Indexing and selecting data1.1 Section by label1.2 Section by position1.3 Section by callable1.4 Columns

原创 SQL(View && trigger &&Procedure)

Content1. View2. Stored Procedures3. TriggerReference 1. View A view does not physically store the data. When you i