原创 SwfitUI Menu

SwiftUI menu provide a seamless and organized way to present actions and options to users and allowing developers to cre

原创 Future and Promise in Swift Combine Framework

Why do we need Fututre in combine? If we talk about modern iOS applications that takes a lot of CPU-intensive tasks. Mo

原创 Top 10 SwiftUI Features Every App Developer Should Know

As an app developer, staying on top of the latest technologies and tools is essential to creating cutting-edge applicati

原创 SwiftUI Navigation + MVVM

In many cases navigation in our app uses classic NavigationView and we have a task to navigate from a screen to ano

原创 SwiftUI ZStack overlay background 詳解與區別

設計 App 畫面時,除了控制元件的上下左右位置,控制元件的階層也很重要,因為它將決定 A 元件會覆蓋元件 B 還是被 B 覆蓋,影響元件是否會被別人檔到。 在 SwiftUI 裡主要有 ZStack,overlay & backgroun