如何讀取以BIFF格式存儲的 Excel 二進制文件

    Public Class ExcelHelper
        ''' <summary>
        ''' 獲取工作表列表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="filename">文件名</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Shared Function GetSheetList(ByVal filename As String) As String()
            If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("文件名爲空! ")
            End If
            If (IO.File.Exists(filename) = False) Then
                Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException("文件未找到!", filename)
            End If
            Using stream As IO.FileStream = IO.File.OpenRead(filename)
                Return GetSheetList(stream)
            End Using
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' 獲取工作表列表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="stream">文件流</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Shared Function GetSheetList(ByVal stream As IO.FileStream) As String()
            Dim bookStream() As Byte = ReadBook(stream)
            Dim sheets As New List(Of String)
            Dim Records As List(Of Record) = ReadRecords(bookStream, RID.BOUNDSHEET)
            For Each record As Record In Records
                With New ExcelSheet(record)
                    If (.SheetType = SheetTypes.Worksheet AndAlso .Visibility = SheetVisibilities.Visible) Then
                    End If
                End With
            Return sheets.ToArray
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 從文件中讀取指定工作表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="filename">文件名</param>
        ''' <param name="sheetName">工作表名</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Shared Function GetSheetData(ByVal filename As String, ByVal sheetName As String) As Object(,)
            If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("文件名爲空! ")
            End If
            If (IO.File.Exists(filename) = False) Then
                Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException("文件未找到!", filename)
            End If
            Using stream As IO.FileStream = IO.File.OpenRead(filename)
                Return GetSheetData(stream, sheetName)
            End Using
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' 從文件流中讀取指定工作表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="stream">文件流</param>
        ''' <param name="sheetName">工作表名</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Shared Function GetSheetData(ByVal stream As IO.FileStream, ByVal sheetName As String) As Object(,)
            Dim bookStream() As Byte = ReadBook(stream)
            Dim RowCount As Integer = 0, ColumnCount As Integer = 0
            Dim records As List(Of RecordData) = ReadSheet(bookStream, sheetName)
            Dim reccount As Integer = records.Count, rec As RecordData
            Dim cells As New List(Of ExcelCell), cell As ExcelCell
            Dim sst As ExcelSST = Nothing                           ' 共享字符串表
            Dim xfs As New List(Of ExcelCellStyle)                  ' 單元格樣式
            Dim formats As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)       ' 格式
            Dim merged As New List(Of ExcelMergedCell)              ' 合併單元格
            ' 讀取共享字符串表、單元格格式、樣式設置
            For i As Integer = reccount - 1 To 0 Step -1
                rec = records(i)
                Select Case rec.ID
                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.SST        ' 共享字符串表
                        sst = New ExcelSST(rec.Read(bookStream))
                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.XF         ' 單元格樣式
                        Dim xf As New ExcelCellStyle(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bookStream, rec.Position), _
                                                     BitConverter.ToUInt16(bookStream, rec.Position + 2))
                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.FORMAT     ' 格式
                        Dim index As String = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bookStream, rec.Position)
                        Dim str As String = UnicodeString.Read(bookStream, rec.Position + 2, rec.Length - 2, 16)
                        formats(index) = str
                    Case Else
                        Exit For
                End Select
                ' 移除
                reccount -= 1
            Dim units As New List(Of SheetUnit), rccPerUnit As Integer = Math.Max(reccount / 20, 1000)
            For i As Integer = 0 To reccount - 1 Step rccPerUnit
                units.Add(New SheetUnit(records, bookStream, i, Math.Min(reccount - i, rccPerUnit)))
            For Each unit As SheetUnit In units
                unit.SST = sst          ' 共享字符串表
                unit.XFS = xfs          ' 樣式表
                unit.Formats = formats  ' 格式表
                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf unit.Process, Nothing)
            ' 等待完成
            While True
                Dim Found As Boolean = False
                For Each unit As SheetUnit In units
                    If (unit.Finished = False) Then
                        Found = True
                    End If
                If (Not Found) Then
                    Exit While
                    Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) : Application.DoEvents()
                End If
            End While
            For Each unit As SheetUnit In units
                If (RowCount < unit.RowCount) Then
                    RowCount = unit.RowCount
                End If
                If (ColumnCount < unit.ColumnCount) Then
                    ColumnCount = unit.ColumnCount
                End If 
            Dim buffer(,) As Object = New Object(RowCount - 1, ColumnCount - 1) {}
            If (RowCount > 0 AndAlso ColumnCount > 0) Then
                For Each cell In cells
                    If (cell.IsMulti) Then
                        If (cell.IsSST) Then
                            For i As Integer = 0 To cell.ColCount - 1
                                buffer(cell.RowIndex, cell.ColIndex + i) = sst.GetString(DirectCast(cell.Values(i), Integer))
                            For i As Integer = 0 To cell.ColCount - 1
                                buffer(cell.RowIndex, cell.ColIndex + i) = cell.Values(i)
                        End If
                        If (cell.IsSST) Then
                            buffer(cell.RowIndex, cell.ColIndex) = sst.GetString(DirectCast(cell.Values(0), Integer))
                            buffer(cell.RowIndex, cell.ColIndex) = cell.Values(0)
                        End If
                    End If
                For Each mergedcell As ExcelMergedCell In merged
                    ' 合併單元格值
                    Dim value As Object = buffer(mergedcell.RowMin, mergedcell.ColMin)
                    ' 設置所有被合併的單元格
                    For i As Integer = mergedcell.RowMin To mergedcell.RowMax
                        For j As Integer = mergedcell.ColMin To mergedcell.ColMax
                            buffer(i, j) = value
            End If
            Return buffer
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 工作表處理線程單元
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Class SheetUnit

            Sub New(ByVal records As List(Of RecordData), ByVal bookStream() As Byte, ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer)
                Me.Index = index
                Me.Count = count
                Me.Records = records
                Me.BookStream = bookStream
            End Sub

            Sub Process(ByVal state As Object)
                Dim rec As RecordData, cell As ExcelCell
                Dim recIndex As Integer
                    For recIndex = Me.Index To Me.Index + Me.Count - 1
                        rec = Records(recIndex)
                        Select Case rec.ID

                            Case ExcelHelper.RID.MERGEDCELLS        ' 合併單元格


                            Case Else
                                    ' 單元格
                                    cell = New ExcelCell(rec.Read(BookStream), XFS, Formats)
                                Catch ex As Exception
                                End Try
                                If (RowCount <= cell.RowIndex) Then
                                    RowCount = cell.RowIndex + 1
                                End If
                                If (ColumnCount < cell.ColIndex + cell.ColCount) Then
                                    ColumnCount = cell.ColIndex + cell.ColCount
                                End If
                        End Select
                        'If (i Mod 1000) = 0 Then Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Me.Exception = ex
                    Me.Finished = True
                End Try

            End Sub

            Public Index As Integer
            Public Count As Integer
            Public Records As New List(Of RecordData)
            Public BookStream() As Byte

            Public SST As ExcelSST
            Public XFS As List(Of ExcelCellStyle)
            Public Formats As Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
            Public Cells As New List(Of ExcelCell)
            Public CellsMerged As New List(Of ExcelMergedCell)

            Public RowCount As Integer
            Public ColumnCount As Integer

            Public Finished As Boolean
            Public Exception As Exception

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 讀取工作簿二進制字節數組
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="stream">文件流</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Shared Function ReadBook(ByVal stream As IO.FileStream) As Byte()
            ' 文件流長度
            Dim streamLength As Integer = stream.Length
            If (streamLength = 0) Then Throw New Exception("沒有數據")
            If (streamLength < 512) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("長度 {0}, 不足512字節", streamLength))
            ' 讀文件頭,確定文件
            Dim head() As Byte = New Byte(511) {}
            stream.Read(head, 0, 512)

            ' 字節存儲順序是否從小到大(Little-Endian)
            Dim isLE As Boolean = (head(28) = 254 AndAlso head(29) = 255)
            ' 扇區長度
            Dim szSector As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(head, 30)
            If (szSector < 7 OrElse szSector > 32) Then Throw New Exception("扇區長度不正確(必須在7與32之間取值)")
            ' 小扇區長度
            Dim szShortSector As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(head, 32), shortSectorLength As Integer = Math.Pow(2, szShortSector)
            If (szShortSector > szSector) Then Throw New Exception("短扇區長度不正確(必須小於" & szSector & ")")
            ' 扇區數量
            Dim satSectorCount As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(head, 44)
            If (satSectorCount <= 0) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的扇區數 {0} (必須大於零) ", satSectorCount))
            ' 目錄中的第一個扇區的標識
            Dim dirSID0 As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(head, 48)
            If (dirSID0 <= 0) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的目錄扇區(SID0)標識 {0} (必須大於零) ", dirSID0))
            ' 標準數據流的最小長度(字節)
            Dim szMinStandardStream As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(head, 56), sectorLength As Integer = Math.Pow(2, szSector)
            If (szMinStandardStream < sectorLength OrElse szMinStandardStream Mod sectorLength > 0) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("標準數據流長度 {0} 不正確,(必須爲 {1} 的倍數) ", szMinStandardStream, sectorLength))
            End If
            ' 短扇區分配表中第一個扇區的標識
            Dim ssatSID0 As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(head, 60)
            If (ssatSID0 < 0 AndAlso ssatSID0 <> -2) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的短扇區(SSAT SID0)標識 {0} (不小於 0 或 等於-2) ", ssatSID0))
            End If
            ' 短扇區分配表中的扇區數量
            Dim ssatSectorCount As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(head, 64)
            If (ssatSectorCount > 0 AndAlso ssatSID0 < 0) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的短扇區(SSAT SID0)標識 {0} (當短扇區數量大於零時,SID0 不能小於 0) ", ssatSID0))
            End If
            If (ssatSectorCount < 0) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的短扇區數 {0} (不能小於零) ", ssatSectorCount))
            End If

            ' 主扇區分配表中的第一個扇區標識
            Dim msatSID0 As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(head, 68)
            If (msatSID0 < 1 AndAlso msatSID0 <> -2) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的主扇區(MSAT SID0)標識 {0} (不小於 0 或 等於-2) ", msatSID0))
            End If
            ' 主扇區分配表中的扇區數量
            Dim msatSectorCount As Integer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(head, 72)
            If (msatSectorCount < 0) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的主扇區數 {0} (不能小於零) ", msatSectorCount))
            End If
            If (msatSectorCount = 0 AndAlso msatSID0 <> -2) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("錯誤的主扇區(MSAT SID0) 標識 {0} (必須 = -2) ", msatSID0))
            End If

            ' 讀取主扇區記錄
            Dim k As Integer = Math.Pow(2, szSector) / 4 - 1
            Dim msat() As Integer = New Integer(108 + (k * msatSectorCount)) {}
            For i As Integer = 0 To 108
                msat(i) = BitConverter.ToInt32(head, 76 + i * 4)
            Dim msatSIDNext As Integer = msatSID0
            For i As Integer = 0 To msatSectorCount - 1
                Dim sector() As Byte = ReadSector(stream, sectorLength, msatSIDNext)
                If (sector.Length = 0) Then
                    Throw New Exception(String.Format("MSAT 數據缺失, SID [{0}] 未找到,已到達文件尾部! ", msatSIDNext))
                End If
                ' 填充扇區表
                For j As Integer = 0 To k - 1
                    msat(109 + (i * k) + j) = BitConverter.ToInt32(sector, j * 4)
                ' 下一扇區標識
                msatSIDNext = BitConverter.ToInt32(sector, k * 4)
            ' 計算扇區數
            Dim SATCount As Integer = msat.Length - 1
            While (msat(SATCount - 1) < 0)
                SATCount -= 1
            End While

            Dim m As Integer = sectorLength / 4
            Dim sat() As Integer = New Integer(SATCount * m - 1) {}
            For i As Integer = 0 To SATCount - 1
                ' 偏移量
                Dim sector() As Byte = ReadSector(stream, sectorLength, msat(i))
                If (sector.Length = 0) Then
                    Throw New Exception(String.Format("SAT SID 數據鏈缺失, SID [{0}] 未找到,已到達文件尾部! ", msat(i)))
                End If
                ' 填充
                For k = 0 To m - 1
                    sat(i * m + k) = BitConverter.ToInt32(sector, k * 4)

            ' 讀取 SSAT SID
            Dim ssatCount As Integer = 0
            Dim ssatSIDNext As Integer = ssatSID0
            Dim ssat() As Integer = New Integer((ssatSectorCount + 1) * m - 1) {}
            While (ssatSIDNext > -2)
                ' 偏移量
                Dim sector() As Byte = ReadSector(stream, sectorLength, ssatSIDNext)
                If (sector.Length = 0) Then
                    Throw New Exception(String.Format("SSAT SID SID [{0}] 未找到,已到達文件尾部! ", ssatSIDNext))
                End If
                For i As Integer = 0 To m - 1
                    ssat(ssatCount * m + i) = BitConverter.ToInt32(sector, i * 4)
                ssatSIDNext = sat(ssatSIDNext)
                ssatCount += 1
            End While
            If (ssatCount < ssatSectorCount) Then
                Throw New Exception(String.Format("SSAT Sector 數據鏈缺失, 找到 {0} / {1}", ssatCount, ssatSectorCount))
            End If

            ' 目錄
            Dim dirSectorCount As Integer = 0
            Dim dirSIDNext As Integer = dirSID0 : m = sectorLength / 128
            Dim dir As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte()), dirEntry() As Byte
            While (dirSIDNext > -2)
                Dim sector() As Byte = ReadSector(stream, sectorLength, dirSIDNext)
                If (sector.Length = 0) Then
                    Throw New Exception(String.Format("目錄扇區 {0} 未找到", dirSIDNext))
                End If
                For i As Integer = 0 To m - 1
                    dirEntry = New Byte(127) {}
                    Array.Copy(sector, i * 128, dirEntry, 0, 128)
                    dir(dirSectorCount * m + i) = dirEntry
                dirSIDNext = sat(dirSIDNext)
                dirSectorCount += 1
            End While
            Dim bookID As Integer = -1

            For i As Integer = 0 To dir.Count - 1
                dirEntry = dir(i)
                Dim nameLength As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt16(dirEntry, 64)
                Dim nameOfStream() As Byte = New Byte(nameLength - 1) {}
                Dim overwrite As Boolean = False
                Array.Copy(dirEntry, nameOfStream, nameLength)
                overwrite = CompareArray(dirEntry, nameOfStream)
                ' 讀取文檔數據流
                ' 是否工作簿
                If (CompareArray(nameOfStream, BIFF.WorkbookName)) Then
                    bookID = i
                    Exit For
                End If
            If (bookID < 0) Then
                Throw New Exception("未找到工作簿")
            End If

            ' 讀取工作簿
            Dim bookStream() As Byte = ReadStream(stream, bookID, dir, sectorLength, shortSectorLength, sat, ssat, szMinStandardStream)
            If (bookStream.Length = 0) Then
                Throw New Exception("工作簿讀取失敗")
            End If
            Return bookStream
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 從工作簿存儲字節數組中讀取指定名稱的工作表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="bookStream">工作簿</param>
        ''' <param name="sheetName">工作表名稱</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Shared Function ReadSheet(ByVal bookStream() As Byte, ByVal sheetName As String) As List(Of RecordData)
            If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName)) Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("sheetName")
            End If

            Dim sheetIndex As Integer = -1, sheetNameFound As String, sheetFounded As Boolean = False
            Dim sheetPosition As Integer = -1
            ' 讀取所有工作表記錄
            Dim rid As RID, rlen As Integer, lastNonContinue As RecordData = Nothing, lastAdded As Boolean = True
            Dim rdata() As Byte = New Byte(1023) {}, positions As New List(Of RecordData), others As New List(Of RecordData)
            Dim rpos As Integer = 0
            While (rpos < bookStream.Length - 4)
                ' 標識
                rid = New RID(bookStream(rpos), bookStream(rpos + 1))
                ' 是否爲空
                If (rid.IsEmpty) Then GoTo ReadNext
                ' 長度
                rlen = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bookStream, rpos + 2)
                ' 是否繼續記錄
                If (rid.IsContinue) Then
                    If (lastAdded = False) Then GoTo ReadNext
                    If (lastNonContinue Is Nothing) Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException("Found CONTINUE record without previous/parent record.")
                    End If
                    lastNonContinue.Continues.Add(New RecordData(rid, rpos + 4, rlen))
                    Select Case rid
                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.EOF              ' 結束
                            If (sheetFounded) Then
                                Exit While
                                If (sheetPosition >= 0) Then
                                    sheetFounded = True
                                    rpos = sheetPosition
                                    Continue While
                                End If
                            End If

                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.BOF

                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.BOUNDSHEET       ' SheetName
                            sheetIndex += 1
                            rdata = New Byte(rlen - 1) {}
                            Array.Copy(bookStream, rpos + 4, rdata, 0, rlen)
                            With New ExcelSheet(rid, rdata)
                                If (.SheetType = SheetTypes.Worksheet AndAlso .Visibility = SheetVisibilities.Visible) Then
                                    sheetNameFound = .SheetName
                                    ' 找到工作表
                                    If (String.Compare(sheetName, sheetNameFound, True) = 0) Then
                                        sheetPosition = .StreamPosition
                                        GoTo ReadNext
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End With
                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.SST              ' 共享字符串表
                            lastAdded = True
                            lastNonContinue = New RecordData(rid, rpos + 4, rlen)

                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.XF               ' 單元格樣式
                            lastAdded = True
                            lastNonContinue = New RecordData(rid, rpos + 4, rlen)

                        Case ExcelHelper.RID.FORMAT           ' 格式字符串
                            lastAdded = True
                            lastNonContinue = New RecordData(rid, rpos + 4, rlen)

                        Case Else
                            If (sheetFounded) Then
                                Select Case rid
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.RK                 ' 壓縮數字
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.NUMBER             ' 浮點數
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.LABEL              ' 字符串
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.LABELSST           ' 共享字符串
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.MULRK              ' 一組壓縮數字
                                        'Case ExcelHelper.RID.MULBLANK           ' 一組空白
                                        'Case ExcelHelper.RID.BLANK              ' 空白
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.FORMULA            ' 公式
                                    Case ExcelHelper.RID.MERGEDCELLS        ' 合併單元格 
                                    Case Else
                                        GoTo ReadNext
                                End Select
                                lastAdded = True
                                lastNonContinue = New RecordData(rid, rpos + 4, rlen)
                            End If
                    End Select
                End If
                rpos += (rlen + 4)
            End While
            If (positions.Count > 0) Then
            End If
            Return positions
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 從工作簿存儲字節數組中讀取指定記錄
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="streamBook">工作簿</param>
        ''' <param name="id">記錄標識</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Shared Function ReadRecords(ByVal streamBook() As Byte, ByVal id As RID) As List(Of Record)
            Dim records As New List(Of Record)

            ' 讀取所有工作表記錄
            Dim rid As RID, rlen As Integer, lastNonContinue As Record = Nothing, lastAdded As Boolean = False
            Dim rdata() As Byte = New Byte(1023) {}
            Dim pos As Integer = 0
            While (pos < streamBook.Length - 4)
                ' 標識
                rid = New RID(streamBook(pos), streamBook(pos + 1))
                ' 是否爲空
                If (rid.IsEmpty) Then GoTo ReadNext

                ' 長度
                rlen = BitConverter.ToUInt16(streamBook, pos + 2)
                ' 是否繼續記錄
                If (rid.IsContinue) Then
                    If (lastAdded = False) Then GoTo ReadNext
                    If (lastNonContinue Is Nothing) Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException("Found CONTINUE record without previous/parent record.")
                    End If
                    ' 獲取記錄數據
                    rdata = New Byte(rlen - 1) {}
                    Array.Copy(streamBook, pos + 4, rdata, 0, rlen)
                    lastNonContinue.Continues.Add(New Record(rid, rdata))
                    If (rid = id) Then
                        lastAdded = True
                        ' 獲取記錄數據
                        rdata = New Byte(rlen - 1) {}
                        Array.Copy(streamBook, pos + 4, rdata, 0, rlen)
                        lastNonContinue = New Record(rid, rdata)
                        lastAdded = False
                    End If
                End If
                pos += (rlen + 4)
            End While
            Return records
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 從文件流中讀取指定數據流
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="stream">文件流</param>
        ''' <param name="bookID">工作簿序號</param>
        ''' <param name="books">所有工作簿節點</param>
        ''' <param name="sectorLength">扇區長度</param>
        ''' <param name="shortSectorLength">短扇區長度</param>
        ''' <param name="sat">扇區分配表</param>
        ''' <param name="ssat">短扇區分配表</param>
        ''' <param name="szMinStandardStream">標準流最小長度</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Shared Function ReadStream(ByVal stream As IO.FileStream, ByVal bookID As Integer, ByVal books As Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte()), ByVal sectorLength As Integer, ByVal shortSectorLength As Integer, ByVal sat() As Integer, ByVal ssat() As Integer, ByVal szMinStandardStream As Integer) As Byte()
            Dim bookSectorLength As Integer, satBook() As Integer, bookEntry() As Byte = books(bookID)
            Dim bookStreamLength As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(bookEntry, 120)
            Dim bookStreamCount As Integer = 0
            Dim bookStream() As Byte = New Byte() {}, bookBytes() As Byte = New Byte() {}
            If (bookID = 0 OrElse bookStreamLength >= szMinStandardStream) Then
                bookStream = New Byte(stream.Length - 1) {}
                stream.Position = 0
                stream.Read(bookStream, 0, stream.Length)
            End If
            If (bookID = 0) Then
                bookSectorLength = sectorLength
                satBook = sat
                bookBytes = bookStream
            ElseIf (bookStreamLength < szMinStandardStream) Then
                bookSectorLength = shortSectorLength
                satBook = ssat
                bookBytes = ReadStream(stream, 0, books, sectorLength, shortSectorLength, sat, ssat, szMinStandardStream)
                bookSectorLength = sectorLength
                satBook = sat
                bookBytes = bookStream
            End If
            bookStream = New Byte(bookStreamLength - 1) {}
            Dim bookSIDNext As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(bookEntry, 116)
            While (bookSIDNext > -2)
                Dim sector() As Byte = New Byte(bookSectorLength - 1) {}
                If (bookStreamLength > 0) Then
                    If (bookID > 0 AndAlso bookStreamLength < szMinStandardStream) Then
                        Array.Copy(bookBytes, bookSIDNext * bookSectorLength, sector, 0, bookSectorLength)
                        Array.Copy(bookBytes, 512 + bookSIDNext * bookSectorLength, sector, 0, bookSectorLength)
                    End If
                    If (sector.Length = 0) Then
                        Throw New Exception(String.Format("未找到扇區 [{0}] ", bookSIDNext))
                    End If
                    If (bookStreamCount + sector.Length >= bookStream.Length) Then
                        ReDim Preserve bookStream(bookStreamCount + sectorLength)
                    End If
                    Array.Copy(sector, 0, bookStream, bookStreamCount, sector.Length)
                    bookStreamCount += sector.Length
                End If
                If (bookSIDNext >= 0) Then
                    bookSIDNext = satBook(bookSIDNext)
                    Exit While
                End If
            End While
            ReDim Preserve bookStream(bookStreamLength - 1)
            Return bookStream
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 讀取扇區數組
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="stream">文件流</param>
        ''' <param name="sectorLength">扇區長度</param>
        ''' <param name="sid">扇區標識</param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Shared Function ReadSector(ByVal stream As IO.FileStream, ByVal sectorLength As Integer, ByVal sid As Integer) As Byte()
            ' 偏移量
            Dim offset As Integer = 512 + sid * sectorLength
            If (offset + sectorLength > stream.Length) Then Return New Byte() {}
            ' 讀取扇區
            Dim sector() As Byte = New Byte(sectorLength - 1) {}
            stream.Seek(offset, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
            Dim size As Integer = 0
            Dim remaing As Integer = sectorLength
            While (remaing > 0)
                Dim readed As Integer = stream.Read(sector, size, remaing)
                If (readed <= 0) Then
                    Throw New IO.EndOfStreamException(String.Format("到達文件尾部,還有{0}字節沒有讀取", remaing))
                End If
                remaing -= readed
                size += readed
            End While
            Return sector
        End Function

        Private Shared Function CompareArray(ByVal A() As Byte, ByVal B() As Byte) As Boolean
            If (A.Length = B.Length) Then
                For i As Integer = 0 To A.Length - 1
                    If (A(i) <> B(i)) Then Return False
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

        Private Class ExcelSheet

            Public Sub New(ByVal record As Record)
                Me.New(record.ID, record.Data)
            End Sub
            Public Sub New(ByVal id As RID, ByVal data() As Byte)
                Me.StreamPosition = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0)
                Select Case data(4)
                    Case &H0 : Visibility = SheetVisibilities.Visible
                    Case &H1 : Visibility = SheetVisibilities.Hidden
                    Case &H2 : Visibility = SheetVisibilities.StrongHidden
                    Case Else : Throw New Exception("未知代碼:" & data(4))
                End Select
                Select Case data(5)
                    Case &H0 : SheetType = SheetTypes.Worksheet
                    Case &H2 : SheetType = SheetTypes.Chart
                    Case &H6 : SheetType = SheetTypes.VBModule
                    Case Else : Throw New Exception("未知類型:" & data(5))
                End Select
                If (Visibility = SheetVisibilities.Visible AndAlso SheetType = SheetTypes.Worksheet) Then
                    SheetName = UnicodeString.Read(data, 6, data.Length - 6, 8)
                    SheetName = ""
                End If
            End Sub

            Public Visibility As SheetVisibilities
            Public SheetType As SheetTypes
            Public SheetName As String
            Public StreamPosition As Integer

        End Class

        Private Class ExcelCell

            Sub New(ByVal record As Record, ByVal xfs As List(Of ExcelCellStyle), ByVal formats As Dictionary(Of Integer, String))
                Me.RowIndex = record.ReadUInt16(0)
                Me.ColIndex = record.ReadUInt16(2)
                Dim rid As RID = record.ID, rlen As Integer = record.DataLength
                If (rid = ExcelHelper.RID.MULBLANK) Then
                    rid = ExcelHelper.RID.BLANK : IsMulti = True : IsBlank = True
                ElseIf (rid = ExcelHelper.RID.MULRK) Then
                    rid = ExcelHelper.RID.RK : IsMulti = True : IsRK = True
                    IsBlank = (rid = ExcelHelper.RID.BLANK)
                    IsSST = (rid = ExcelHelper.RID.LABELSST)
                    IsRK = (rid = ExcelHelper.RID.RK)
                End If
                If (IsMulti) Then
                    ColCount = record.ReadUInt16(rlen - 2) - ColIndex + 1
                    Values = New Object(ColCount - 1) {}
                    ColCount = 1
                    Values = New Object(0) {}
                End If
                Dim offset As Integer = 4
                For i As Integer = 0 To ColCount - 1
                    ' 格式
                    XFIndex = record.ReadUInt16(offset) : offset += 2
                    If (IsBlank) Then
                        Values(i) = Nothing
                    ElseIf (IsRK) Then
                        Values(i) = record.ReadRK(offset) : offset += 4
                        If (XFIndex >= 0) Then
                            Dim fmtIndex As Integer = xfs(XFIndex).FormatIndex
                            If (formats.ContainsKey(fmtIndex)) Then
                                Dim fmt As String = formats(fmtIndex)
                                If (fmt.Contains("yy") OrElse fmt.Contains("m") OrElse fmt.Contains("d")) Then
                                    ' 日期格式
                                    Values(i) = Date.FromOADate(DirectCast(Values(i), Double))
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    ElseIf (IsSST) Then
                        Values(i) = record.ReadSSIndex(offset)
                        If (record.ID = ExcelHelper.RID.FORMULA) Then
                            ' 公式項
                            Values(i) = Nothing : IsBlank = True
                            Values(i) = record.ReadValue(offset)
                        End If
                    End If

            End Sub

            Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                If (IsMulti) Then
                    Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
                    For i As Integer = 0 To ColCount - 1
                        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0},{1} = {2}", Me.RowIndex, Me.ColIndex + i, Me.Values(i)))
                    Return sb.ToString
                    Return String.Format("{0},{1} = {2}", Me.RowIndex, Me.ColIndex, Me.Values(0))
                End If
            End Function

            Public RowIndex As Integer
            Public ColIndex As Integer
            Public ColCount As Integer
            Public IsMulti As Boolean
            Public IsBlank As Boolean
            Public IsSST As Boolean
            Public IsRK As Boolean
            Public XFIndex As Integer
            Public Values() As Object

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 共享字符串表
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Class ExcelSST

            Public Sub New(ByVal record As Record)
                Dim cstTotal As Integer = record.ReadUInt32(0)
                Dim cstUnique As Integer = record.ReadUInt32(4)
                Dim cstIndex As Integer = 0, offset As Integer = 8
                Dim cch As Integer, grbit As Byte, isrich As Boolean, isext As Boolean, compressed As Boolean
                Dim pos As Integer, rlen As Integer, str As String, bytes() As Byte
                Dim recIndex As Integer = -1, rec As Record = record, recNext As Record, recDataLength As Integer = rec.DataLength
                ReDim Strings(1000) : StringCount = 0
                While (cstIndex < cstUnique)
                    pos = offset : rlen = 3
                    ' 字符數量
                    cch = rec.ReadUInt16(offset) : offset += 2
                    ' 選項
                    grbit = rec.ReadByte(offset) : offset += 1
                    ' 是否壓縮
                    compressed = (grbit And &H1) = &H0
                    ' 是否有擴展屬性
                    isext = (grbit And &H4) = &H4
                    ' 是否富文本字符串
                    isrich = (grbit And &H8) = &H8
                    If (isrich) Then rlen += rec.ReadUInt16(offset) * 4 + 2 : offset += 2
                    If (isext) Then rlen += rec.ReadUInt32(offset) + 4 : offset += 4
                    rlen += IIf(compressed, cch, cch * 2)
                    ' 是否跨記錄存儲
                    If (pos + rlen > recDataLength) Then
                        ' 複製
                        bytes = New Byte(rlen - 1) {}
                        Array.Copy(rec.Data, pos, bytes, 0, recDataLength - pos) : recNext = record.Continues(recIndex + 1)
                        If (recNext.ReadByte(0) = 0) = compressed Then
                            Array.Copy(recNext.Data, 1, bytes, recDataLength - pos, (pos + rlen) - recDataLength)
                            offset = pos + rlen - recDataLength + 1
                            If (compressed) Then
                                For i As Integer = 0 To (pos + rlen) - recDataLength - 1 Step 2
                                    bytes(recDataLength - pos + i) = recNext.ReadByte(i / 2 + 1)
                                offset = (pos + rlen - recDataLength) / 2 + 1
                            End If
                        End If

                        str = UnicodeString.Read(bytes, 16)
                        recIndex += 1 : rec = recNext
                        recDataLength = rec.DataLength
                        ' 讀字符串
                        str = rec.ReadUnicodeString(offset, cch, compressed)
                        ' 偏移量
                        offset = pos + rlen
                    End If
                    StringCount += 1
                    If (StringCount >= Strings.Length) Then
                        ReDim Preserve Strings(StringCount + 1000)
                    End If
                    Strings(StringCount - 1) = str
                    ' 到達末尾
                    If (offset = recDataLength) Then
                        offset = 0
                        recIndex += 1
                        If (recIndex < record.Continues.Count) Then
                            rec = record.Continues(recIndex)
                            recDataLength = rec.DataLength
                            Exit While
                        End If
                    End If

                    ' 索引
                    cstIndex += 1
                End While

            End Sub

            Public Function GetString(ByVal index As Integer) As String
                If (index >= 0 AndAlso index < StringCount) Then
                    Return Strings(index)
                    Return ""
                End If
            End Function

            Public Strings() As String
            Public StringCount As Integer = 0

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 單元格樣式
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Class ExcelCellStyle

            Sub New(ByVal font As Integer, ByVal format As Integer)
                Me.FontIndex = font
                Me.FormatIndex = format
            End Sub

            Public FontIndex As Integer
            Public FormatIndex As Integer

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 合併單元格
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Structure ExcelMergedCell

            Sub New(ByVal data() As Byte, ByVal index As Integer)
                Me.RowMin = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index)
                Me.RowMax = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 2)
                Me.ColMin = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 4)
                Me.ColMax = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, index + 6)
            End Sub
            Sub New(ByVal minrow As Integer, ByVal mincol As Integer, ByVal maxrow As Integer, ByVal maxcol As Integer)
                Me.RowMin = minrow
                Me.ColMin = mincol
                Me.RowMax = maxrow
                Me.ColMax = maxcol
            End Sub

            Public RowMin As Integer
            Public ColMin As Integer
            Public RowMax As Integer
            Public ColMax As Integer

        End Structure

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 二進制存儲順序
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Enum ByteOrders
            ''' <summary>
            ''' 從小到大
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <summary>
            ''' 從大到小
            ''' </summary>
        End Enum

        ''' <summary>
        ''' BIFF
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Class BIFF

            Public Shared DirectoryRootName As Byte() = New Byte() {&H52, &H0, &H6F, &H0, &H6F, &H0, &H74, &H0, &H20, &H0, &H45, &H0, &H6E, &H0, &H74, &H0, &H72, &H0, &H79, &H0, &H0, &H0}
            Public Shared WorkbookName As Byte() = New Byte() {&H57, &H0, &H6F, &H0, &H72, &H0, &H6B, &H0, &H62, &H0, &H6F, &H0, &H6F, &H0, &H6B, &H0, &H0, &H0}

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 記錄類型
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Structure RID

            Sub New(ByVal first As Byte, ByVal second As Byte)
                Me.First = first
                Me.Second = second
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                If (_names.ContainsKey(Me.First) AndAlso _names(Me.First).ContainsKey(Me.Second)) Then
                    Return String.Format("{2} {0:x2} {1:x2}", Me.First, Me.Second, _names(Me.First)(Me.Second))
                    Return String.Format("?? {0:x2} {1:x2}", Me.First, Me.Second)
                End If
            End Function

            Shared Operator =(ByVal A As RID, ByVal B As RID) As Boolean
                Return A.First = B.First AndAlso A.Second = B.Second
            End Operator

            Shared Operator <>(ByVal A As RID, ByVal B As RID) As Boolean
                Return A.First <> B.First OrElse A.Second <> B.Second
            End Operator

            Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
                Return Me = RID.Empty
            End Function
            Public Function IsContinue() As Boolean
                Return Me = RID.CONTINUE
            End Function
            Public Function IsCell() As Boolean
                'Return "RK,NUMBER,LABEL,LABELSST,MULBLANK,BLANK,MULRK,FORMULA".IndexOf(Me.GetName) >= 0
                Return (Me = RID.RK OrElse
                        Me = RID.NUMBER OrElse
                        Me = RID.LABEL OrElse
                        Me = RID.LABELSST OrElse
                        Me = RID.MULBLANK OrElse
                        Me = RID.BLANK OrElse
                        Me = RID.MULRK OrElse
                        Me = RID.FORMULA)
            End Function
            Public Function IsEOF() As Boolean
                Return Me = RID.EOF
            End Function

            Public Function GetName() As String
                If (_names.ContainsKey(Me.First) AndAlso _names(Me.First).ContainsKey(Me.Second)) Then
                    Return _names(Me.First)(Me.Second)
                    Return String.Format("?? {0:x2} {1:x2}", Me.First, Me.Second)
                End If
            End Function

            Public First As Byte
            Public Second As Byte

#Region "共享"

            Shared Sub New()
                If (_init = False) Then
                    _init = True
                    Dim t As Type = GetType(RID)
                    Dim r As RID, first As Byte
                    For Each fi As System.Reflection.FieldInfo In t.GetFields(Reflection.BindingFlags.Static Or Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                        If (fi.FieldType Is t) Then
                            r = fi.GetValue(Nothing)
                            first = r.First
                            If (_names.ContainsKey(first) = False) Then
                                _names.Add(first, New Dictionary(Of Byte, String))
                            End If
                            _names(first)(r.Second) = fi.Name
                            _rids(fi.Name) = r
                        End If
                End If
            End Sub

            Private Shared ReadOnly _names As New Dictionary(Of Byte, Dictionary(Of Byte, String))
            Private Shared ReadOnly _rids As New Dictionary(Of String, RID)
            Private Shared ReadOnly _init As Boolean

            Friend Shared Empty As New RID(&H0, &H0)

            Friend Shared ARRAY As New RID(&H21, &H2)
            Friend Shared BACKUP As New RID(&H40, &H0)
            Friend Shared BITMAP As New RID(&HE9, &H0)
            Friend Shared BLANK As New RID(&H1, &H2)
            Friend Shared BOF As New RID(&H9, &H8)
            Friend Shared BOOKBOOL As New RID(&HDA, &H0)
            Friend Shared BOOLERR As New RID(&H5, &H2)
            Friend Shared BOTTOMMARGIN As New RID(&H29, &H0)
            Friend Shared BOUNDSHEET As New RID(&H85, &H0)
            Friend Shared CALCCOUNT As New RID(&HC, &H0)
            Friend Shared CALCMODE As New RID(&HD, &H0)
            Friend Shared CODEPAGE As New RID(&H42, &H0)
            Friend Shared COLINFO As New RID(&H7D, &H0)
            Friend Shared CONDFMT As New RID(&HB0, &H1)
            Friend Shared [CONTINUE] As New RID(&H3C, &H0)
            Friend Shared COUNTRY As New RID(&H8C, &H0)
            Friend Shared CRN As New RID(&H5A, &H0)
            Friend Shared DATEMODE As New RID(&H22, &H0)
            Friend Shared DBCELL As New RID(&HD7, &H0)
            Friend Shared DCONREF As New RID(&H51, &H0)
            Friend Shared DEFAULTROWHEIGHT As New RID(&H25, &H2)
            Friend Shared DEFCOLWIDTH As New RID(&H55, &H0)
            Friend Shared DELTA As New RID(&H10, &H0)
            Friend Shared DIMENSIONS As New RID(&H0, &H2)
            Friend Shared DSF As New RID(&H61, &H1)
            Friend Shared DV As New RID(&HBE, &H1)
            Friend Shared DVAL As New RID(&HB2, &H1)
            Friend Shared EOF As New RID(&HA, &H0)
            Friend Shared EXTERNNAME As New RID(&H23, &H0)
            Friend Shared EXTERNSHEET As New RID(&H17, &H0)
            Friend Shared EXTSST As New RID(&HFF, &H0)
            Friend Shared FILEPASS As New RID(&H2F, &H0)
            Friend Shared FILESHARING As New RID(&H5B, &H0)
            Friend Shared FONT As New RID(&H31, &H0)
            Friend Shared FOOTER As New RID(&H15, &H0)
            Friend Shared FORMAT As New RID(&H1E, &H4)
            Friend Shared FORMULA As New RID(&H6, &H0)
            Friend Shared GRIDSET As New RID(&H82, &H0)
            Friend Shared GUTS As New RID(&H80, &H0)
            Friend Shared HCENTER As New RID(&H83, &H0)
            Friend Shared HEADER As New RID(&H14, &H0)
            Friend Shared HIDEOBJ As New RID(&H8D, &H0)
            Friend Shared HLINK As New RID(&HB8, &H1)
            Friend Shared HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS As New RID(&H1B, &H0)
            Friend Shared INDEX As New RID(&HB, &H2)
            Friend Shared ITERATION As New RID(&H11, &H0)
            Friend Shared LABEL As New RID(&H4, &H2)
            Friend Shared LABELRANGES As New RID(&H5F, &H1)
            Friend Shared LABELSST As New RID(&HFD, &H0)
            Friend Shared LEFTMARGIN As New RID(&H26, &H0)
            Friend Shared MERGEDCELLS As New RID(&HE5, &H0)
            Friend Shared MULBLANK As New RID(&HBE, &H0)
            Friend Shared MULRK As New RID(&HBD, &H0)
            Friend Shared [NAME] As New RID(&H18, &H0)
            Friend Shared NOTE As New RID(&H1C, &H0)
            Friend Shared NUMBER As New RID(&H3, &H2)
            Friend Shared OBJECTPROTECT As New RID(&H63, &H0)
            Friend Shared PALETTE As New RID(&H92, &H0)
            Friend Shared PANE As New RID(&H41, &H0)
            Friend Shared PASSWORD As New RID(&H13, &H0)
            Friend Shared PHONETIC As New RID(&HEF, &H0)
            Friend Shared PRECISION As New RID(&HE, &H0)
            Friend Shared PRINTGRIDLINES As New RID(&H2B, &H0)
            Friend Shared PRINTHEADERS As New RID(&H2A, &H0)
            Friend Shared PROTECT As New RID(&H12, &H0)
            Friend Shared QUICKTIP As New RID(&H0, &H8)
            Friend Shared RANGEPROTECTION As New RID(&H68, &H8)
            Friend Shared REFMODE As New RID(&HF, &H0)
            Friend Shared RIGHTMARGIN As New RID(&H27, &H0)
            Friend Shared RK As New RID(&H7E, &H2)
            Friend Shared RSTRING As New RID(&HD6, &H0)
            Friend Shared ROW As New RID(&H8, &H2)
            Friend Shared SAVERECALC As New RID(&H5F, &H0)
            Friend Shared SCENPROTECT As New RID(&HDD, &H0)
            Friend Shared SCL As New RID(&HA0, &H0)
            Friend Shared SELECTION As New RID(&H1D, &H0)
            Friend Shared SETUP As New RID(&HA1, &H0)
            Friend Shared SHEETLAYOUT As New RID(&H62, &H8)
            Friend Shared SHEETPROTECTION As New RID(&H67, &H8)
            Friend Shared SHRFMLA As New RID(&HBC, &H4)
            Friend Shared SORT As New RID(&H90, &H0)
            Friend Shared SST As New RID(&HFC, &H0)
            Friend Shared STANDARDWIDTH As New RID(&H99, &H0)
            Friend Shared [STRING] As New RID(&H7, &H2)
            Friend Shared STYLE As New RID(&H93, &H2)
            Friend Shared SUPBOOK As New RID(&HAE, &H1)
            Friend Shared TABLEOP As New RID(&H36, &H2)
            Friend Shared TOPMARGIN As New RID(&H28, &H0)
            Friend Shared UNCALCED As New RID(&H5E, &H0)
            Friend Shared USESELFS As New RID(&H60, &H1)
            Friend Shared VCENTER As New RID(&H84, &H0)
            Friend Shared VERTICALPAGEBREAKS As New RID(&H1A, &H0)
            Friend Shared WINDOW1 As New RID(&H3D, &H0)
            Friend Shared WINDOW2 As New RID(&H3E, &H2)
            Friend Shared WINDOWPROTECT As New RID(&H19, &H0)
            Friend Shared WRITEACCESS As New RID(&H5C, &H0)
            Friend Shared WRITEPROT As New RID(&H86, &H0)
            Friend Shared WSBOOL As New RID(&H81, &H0)
            Friend Shared XCT As New RID(&H59, &H0)
            Friend Shared XF As New RID(&HE0, &H0)

#End Region

        End Structure

        ''' <summary>
        ''' BIFF記錄
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Class Record

            Sub New(ByVal id As RID, ByVal data() As Byte)
                Me.mRID = id
                Me.mData = data
            End Sub

            Public Function ReadByte(ByVal offset As Integer) As Byte
                Return Me.mData(offset)
            End Function
            Public Function ReadUInt16(ByVal offset As Integer) As UInt16
                Return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function
            Public Function ReadUInt32(ByVal offset As Integer) As UInt32
                Return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function
            Public Function ReadUInt64(ByVal offset As Integer) As UInt64
                Return BitConverter.ToUInt64(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function

            Public Function ReadInt16(ByVal offset As Integer) As Int16
                Return BitConverter.ToInt16(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function
            Public Function ReadInt32(ByVal offset As Integer) As Int32
                Return BitConverter.ToInt32(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function
            Public Function ReadInt64(ByVal offset As Integer) As Int64
                Return BitConverter.ToInt64(Me.mData, offset)
            End Function

            Public Function ReadValue(ByVal offset As Integer) As Integer
                Select Case mRID
                    Case RID.RK : Return ReadRK(offset)
                    Case RID.LABEL : Return ReadString(offset)
                    Case RID.LABELSST : Return ReadSSIndex(offset)
                    Case RID.NUMBER : Return ReadNumber(offset)
                    Case Else
                        Throw New ApplicationException("未支持的記錄類型: " & mRID.ToString)
                End Select
            End Function

            Public Function ReadRK(ByVal offset As Integer) As Double
                Dim div100 As Boolean = (mData(offset) And &H1) = &H1
                Dim isInt As Boolean = (mData(offset) And &H2) = &H2
                If (isInt) Then
                    Dim rk As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(mData, offset)
                    Dim num As Double = Convert.ToDouble(rk >> 2)
                    If (div100) Then
                        Return num / 100
                        Return num
                    End If
                    Dim rk As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(mData, offset)
                    Dim floatBytes(7) As Byte : BitConverter.GetBytes(rk >> 2 << 2).CopyTo(floatBytes, 4)
                    Dim num As Double = BitConverter.ToDouble(floatBytes, 0)
                    If (div100) Then
                        Return num / 100.0
                        Return num
                    End If
                End If
            End Function

            Public Function ReadString(ByVal offset As Integer) As String
                Return UnicodeString.Read(mData, offset, mData.Length - offset, 16)
            End Function

            Public Function ReadSSIndex(ByVal offset As Integer) As Integer
                Return BitConverter.ToUInt32(mData, offset)
            End Function

            Public Function ReadNumber(ByVal offset As Integer) As Double
                Return BitConverter.ToDouble(mData, offset)
            End Function

            ''' <summary>
            ''' 從指定位置讀取Unicode字符串
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <param name="offset">偏移量</param>
            ''' <param name="cch">字符數量</param>
            ''' <param name="compressed">是否壓縮存儲</param>
            ''' <returns></returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Function ReadUnicodeString(ByVal offset As Integer, ByVal cch As Integer, ByVal compressed As Boolean) As String
                If (compressed) Then
                    Dim bytes() As Byte = New Byte(cch * IIf(compressed, 2, 1) - 1) {}
                    For i As Integer = 0 To cch - 1
                        bytes(i * 2) = mData(offset + i)
                    Return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes)
                    Return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(mData, offset, cch * 2)
                End If
            End Function

            ''' <summary>
            ''' 讀取合併單元格數組
            ''' </summary>
            ''' <returns></returns>
            ''' <remarks></remarks>
            Function ReadMergedCells() As IList(Of ExcelMergedCell)
                Dim cells As New List(Of ExcelMergedCell)
                Dim count As UInt16 = Me.ReadUInt16(0)
                For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                    cells.Add(New ExcelMergedCell(Me.mData, i * 8 + 2))
                Return cells
            End Function

            Public Property Data As Byte()
                    Return Me.mData
                End Get
                Set(ByVal value As Byte())
                    Me.mData = value
                End Set
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property DataLength As Integer
                    Return Me.mData.Length
                End Get
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property ID As RID
                    Return Me.mRID
                End Get
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property Continues As List(Of Record)
                    If (Me.mContinues Is Nothing) Then
                        Me.mContinues = New List(Of Record)
                    End If
                    Return Me.mContinues
                End Get
            End Property

            Private mRID As RID
            Private mData() As Byte
            Private mContinues As List(Of Record)

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' BIFF記錄的位置及長度信息
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Class RecordData

            Sub New(ByVal rid As RID, ByVal rpos As Integer, ByVal rlen As Integer)
                Me.mRID = rid
                Me.mLen = rlen
                Me.mPos = rpos
            End Sub

            Function Read(ByVal book() As Byte) As Record
                    ' 複製到緩衝區
                    Dim rdata(Me.mLen - 1) As Byte : Array.Copy(book, Me.mPos, rdata, 0, mLen)
                    Dim record As New Record(mRID, rdata)
                    ' 有續項
                    If (mContinues IsNot Nothing) Then
                        For Each pos As RecordData In mContinues
                    End If
                    Return record
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
                Return Nothing
            End Function

            Public ReadOnly Property ID As RID
                    Return Me.mRID
                End Get
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property Position As Integer
                    Return Me.mPos
                End Get
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property Length As Integer
                    Return Me.mLen
                End Get
            End Property

            Public ReadOnly Property Continues As List(Of RecordData)
                    If (Me.mContinues Is Nothing) Then
                        Me.mContinues = New List(Of RecordData)
                    End If
                    Return Me.mContinues
                End Get
            End Property

            Private mRID As RID
            Private mLen As Integer
            Private mPos As Integer
            Private mContinues As List(Of RecordData)

        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 工作表可見性
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Enum SheetVisibilities

            [Default] = Visible
            Visible = 1
            Hidden = 2
            StrongHidden = 3

        End Enum

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 工作表類型
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Enum SheetTypes
            [Default] = Worksheet
            Worksheet = 1
            Chart = 2
            VBModule = 3
        End Enum

    End Class

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Unicode字符串
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Class UnicodeString

        Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Shared Function Read(ByVal bytes() As Byte, ByVal index As Integer, ByVal count As Integer, ByVal lengthBits As Integer) As String
            Dim buffer() As Byte = New Byte(count - 1) {}
            Array.Copy(bytes, index, buffer, 0, count)
            Return Read(buffer, lengthBits)
        End Function

        Public Shared Function Read(ByVal bytes() As Byte, ByVal lengthBits As Integer) As String
            Dim compressed As Boolean, extst As Boolean, richstring As Boolean
            Dim countofchars As Integer, countofformating As Integer, countofextst As Integer, offset As Integer = 0
            Dim optionsFlags As Byte, bytesChars() As Byte
            If (lengthBits = 8) Then
                ' Count of characters in the string
                ' (Note: this is the number of characters, NOT the number of bytes)
                countofchars = bytes(offset) : offset += 1
                ' Option flags
                optionsFlags = bytes(offset) : offset += 1
            Else  ' 16
                ' Count of characters in the string
                ' (Note: this is the number of characters, NOT the number of bytes)
                countofchars = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, offset)
                ' Option flags
                optionsFlags = bytes(offset + 2)
                offset += 3
            End If

            ' Compressed = 0: all the characters in the string have a high byte of 00h and only the low bytes are saved in the file
            ' Compressed = 1: if at least one character in the string has a nonzero high byte and therefore all characters in the string are saved as double-byte characters (not compressed)
            compressed = (optionsFlags And &H1) = 0
            ' formating string
            extst = (optionsFlags And &H4) = 4
            ' formating string
            richstring = (optionsFlags And &H8) = 8

            ' Count of formatting runs (runs follow the string and are not included in the character count
            ' if there are no formatting runs, this field does not exist).
            If (richstring) Then
                countofformating = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, offset)
                offset += 2
                countofformating = 0
            End If

            ' Length of ExtRst data
            If (extst) Then
                countofextst = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, offset)
                offset += 4
                countofextst = 0
            End If

            ' 重新編碼,壓縮字符串僅有一位,非壓縮字符串有兩位
            If (compressed) Then
                bytesChars = New Byte(countofchars * 2 - 1) {}
                For i As Integer = 0 To countofchars - 1
                    bytesChars(i * 2) = bytes(offset + i)
                Return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytesChars)
                Return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, offset, countofchars * 2)
            End If
        End Function

    End Class

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