
1、  jsp 頁面的保留字問題(主要是表格的問題)

< TABLE class = "border" >


       < TR >

       < TD >

< P class = "title" >< bean:message key = "RoomRent.insert.title" /></ P >

< html:errors />

< bean:write name = "roomTotalRentForm"

property = "message" filter = "false" />

< DIV class = "tab-pane" >

< DIV class = "tab-page" >

< DIV class = "tab" >< bean:message key = "RoomRentData.add" /></ DIV >

< TABLE border = "1" width = "100%" >

    < TBODY >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomRentData.length" /></ TH >

< TD >< html:text property = 'roomrentData.length' size = "20"

maxlength = "20" styleId = "length" onblur = "checkLength(length10,20,' ')" ></ html:text ></ TD >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomRentData.width" /></ TH >

< TD >< html:text property = 'roomrentData.width' size = "20"

maxlength = "20" styleId = "width" onblur = "checkLength(width10,20,' ')" ></ html:text ></ TD >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomRentData.area" /></ TH >

< TD >< html:text property = 'roomrentData.area' size = "20"

maxlength = "20" styleId = "area" onclick = "getArea()" onblur = "checkLength(area,20,' 面積 ');getArea()" ></ html:text ></ TD >

</ TR >

< TR >

< TD colspan = "6" align = "center" nowrap >< html:button

property = "Save" onclick = "toSave()" styleClass = "button" >

< bean:message key = "dataEdit.saveEdit" />

</ html:button >

< html:button property = "Return" onclick = "toReturn()"

styleClass = "button" >

< bean:message key = "dataEdit.return" />

</ html:button ></ TD >

</ TR >

</ TBODY >

</ TABLE >

</ DIV >

</ DIV >

</ TD >

</ TR >

    </ TBODY >

</ TABLE >

上面的代碼邏輯和語法上沒任何錯誤,但是在 css 樣式顯示的時候, <TH> 可以正常顯示樣式可 <TD> 就不可以。原因是 <TD> 中出現了關鍵字 length width 直接使的定義的樣式不能正常顯示。

2、  多表關聯查詢

Select new,rtr.roomId, rm.builderId,rm.unit,rm.floor,,rtr.rentRoomArea,rtr.balconyUseArea,rtr.roomType, rtr.roomDirectiond1.dictItemName,d2.dictItemName,hb.buildName)from as rtr, as d1, as d2, as hb, as rm , as op where rtr.roomType=d1.dictItemId and d1.dictId='000212' and rtr.roomDirection=d2.dictItemId and d2.dictId='000210' and rm.roomId=rtr.roomId and rm.builderId=hb.buildId

可以保證 裏面即 vo 裏面有這個構造函數,而且字典,關聯也都沒有錯誤。可是在查詢出來的結果卻有沒有達到效果。原因就是關聯了 表但是沒有使用這個條件。所以結果就是查詢的符合條件的記錄關聯 表中的記錄。

3、  單選按鈕控制文本框的隱藏和顯示

  就是選中一個 radio 就顯示一個文本框 選中另外的就顯示另外的文本框沒有顯示的就隱藏

使用 tr style.display 控制顯示和隱藏的。不多說了,看代碼吧!

Js 代碼

function setDisplay()

{   with (document.forms[0])

     {if (document.forms[0].subsideStatment[0].checked==1) {

              document.all( 'costRenth' ).style.display= "" ;

            } else

            { document.all( 'costRenth' ).style.display= "none" ;

             }if (document.forms[0].subsideStatment[1].checked==1)

           { document.all( 'rlevelRenth' ).style.display= "" ;


            { document.all( 'rlevelRenth' ).style.display= "none" ;

            } if (document.forms[0].subsideStatment[2].checked==1)

             { document.all( 'levelRenth' ).style.display= "" ;


            { document.all( 'levelRenth' ).style.display= "none" ;




Jsp 代碼

< TR >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.subsideStatment" /> < font color = "red" > * </ font ></ TH >

< TD colspan = "7" >< html:radio property = "data.subsideStatment"

value = "213001" styleId = "subsideStatment" onclick = "setDisplay()" onblur = "setDisplay()" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.subsideStatment.all" />

</ html:radio > < html:radio property = "data.subsideStatment"

value = "213002" styleId = "subsideStatment" onclick = "setDisplay()"

onblur = "setDisplay()" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.subsideStatment.part" /></ html:radio > < html:radio property = "data.subsideStatment" value = "213003" styleId = "subsideStatment" onclick = "setDisplay()" onblur = "setDisplay()" >< bean:message key = "" />

</ html:radio ></ TD >

</ TR >

< TR id = "costRenth" style = "display:none" >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.costRent" /></ TH >

< TD colspan = "7" >< html:text property = "data.costRent" styleId = "costRent" size = "10" maxlength = "20" onblur = "checkLength(costRent,20,' 成本租金 ');isNum(costRent,' 成本租金 ')" ></ html:text >

</ TD >

</ TR >

< TR id = "rlevelRenth" style = "display:none" >

< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.rlevelRent" /></ TH >

< TD colspan = "7" >< html:text property = "data.rlevelRent" styleId = "rlevelRent" size = "10" maxlength = "20"

onblur = "checkLength(rlevelRent,20,' 準成本租金 ');isNum(rlevelRent,' 準成本租金 ') " ></ html:text >

</ TD >

</ TR >

< TR id = "levelRenth" style = "display:none" >< TH nowrap align = "left" >< bean:message key = "RoomTotalRentData.levelRent" /></ TH >

< TD colspan = "7" >< html:text property = "data.levelRent"

styleId = "levelRent" size = "10" maxlength = "20 onblur = "checkLength(levelRent,20,' 基準租金 ');isNum(levelRent,' 基準租金 ') " ></ html:text >

</ TD >

</ TR >

4、  下拉列表顯示和隱藏文本框


Js 代碼

function casCade()

{if (document.forms[0].roomType.value== "212001" )

    { document.all( 'totalFloorb' ).style.display= "none" ;

    document.all( 'totalFloort' ).style.display= "none" ;

    document.all( 'roomDirectionc' ).colSpan=6;

   }if (document.forms[0].roomType.value== "212002" )

    { document.all( 'totalFloorb' ).style.display= "" ;

     document.all( 'totalFloort' ).style.display= "" ;

    document.all( 'roomDirectionc' ).colSpan=1;



Jsp 代碼

< TD id = "roomDirectionc" colspan = "6" >< html:select property = "data.roomDirection" styleId = "roomDirections" styleClass = "iform" onclick = "casCade()" >

< html:option value = "" />

< html:options collection = "roomDirectionList"

property = "dictItemId" labelProperty = "dictItemName" />

</ html:select ></ TD >

< TH nowrap align = "left" id = "totalFloorb" style = "display:none" >< bean:message

key = "RoomTotalRentData.totalFloor" /></ TH >

< TD colspan = "3" id = "totalFloort" style = "display:none" >< html:text

property = "data.totalFloor" styleId = "totalFloor" size = "10" maxlength = "20" onblur = "checkLength(totalFloor,20,' 樓房總樓層 ');isInt(totalFloor,' 樓房總樓層 ')" readonly = "true" ></ html:text ></ TD >

5、  xp 下面可以裝 sql2000 。方法是:先進入 sql 的安裝光盤找到 msde 目錄,裏面有個 setup ,安裝後重啓一遍系統就會發現已經有了服務管理器了,然後在照常安裝 sql2000 就可以了。這樣安裝後的 sql 就和在服務器上安裝的 sql 一樣了。

6、  一個在線的 DHTML 參考手冊 什麼屬性一查就知很方便的

7、  一個在線的 Javascipt 中文手冊

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