轉貼 [翻譯]Ajax 陷阱(Ajax Gotchas)


Ajax Gotchas


Ajax is an awesome technology that is driving a new generation of web apps, from maps.google.com to colr.org to backpackit.com. But Ajax is also a dangerous technology for web developers, its power introduces a huge amount of UI problems as well as server side state problems and server load problems.

Ajax是一項重要的技術,它將引領下一代web應用程序開發的風潮,從maps.google.com colr.org 再到 backpackit.com ,處處充滿了ajax的倩影。但是對於web開發者來說,ajax也是一項危險的技術,它的力量也導致了一大堆UI問題,如服務器端狀態問題和服務器負載問題。

I've compiled a list of the many mistakes developers using Ajax often make. Javascript itself is a dangerous UI technology, but I've tried to keep the list to problems particular to Ajax development:



Not giving immediate visual cues for clicking widgets. If something I'm clicking on is triggering Ajax actions, you have to give me a visual cue that something is going on. An example of this is GMail loading button that is in the top right. Whenever I do something in GMail, a little red box in the top right indicates that the page is loading, to make up for the fact that Ajax doesn't trigger the normal web UI for new page loading.

沒有及時給出點擊控件後的可視化提示信息。如果我點擊的這個東西觸發了ajax一個動作,那麼你必須給我一個可視化的提示,告訴我有些動作正在執行。一個例子就是Gmail頁面右上角的裝載按鈕(loading button)。無論何時,當我在Gmail中執行任何操作時,頁面右上角的小紅色按鈕就會提示我,頁面正在載入中。這樣明顯的向用戶提示出你的動作,從而克服ajax不再重載頁面而帶來的用戶不知操作是否進行的不便。

Coofucoo say


Breaking the back button The back button is a great feature of standard web site user interfaces. Unfortunately, the back button doesn't mesh very well with Javascript. Keeping back button functionality is a major reason not to go with a pure Javascript web app.

Coofucoo say


破壞後退按鈕的功能。後退按鈕時標準web用戶界面的一個很重要的功能。但是不幸的是,後退按鈕的功能與Javascript結合的並不好。保持後退按鈕的功能也正是我們不採用純粹Javascript web應用程序的原因。

Changing state with links (GET requests) As I've referenced in a previous posting, Ajax applications introduce lots of problems for users who assume GET operations don't change state. Not only do state changing links cause problems for robots, users who are accustomed to having links drive navigation can become confused when links are used to drive application state changes.


Coofucoo say


Blinking and changing parts of the page unexpectedly The first A in Ajax stands for asynchronous. The problem with asynchronous messages is that they can be quite confusing when they are pop in unexpectedly. Asynchronous page changes should only ever occur in narrowly defined places and should be used judiciously, flashing and blinking in messages in areas I don't want to concentrate on harkens back to days of the html blink tag.


Not using links I can pass to friends or bookmark Another great feature of websites is that I can pass URLs to other people and they can see the same thing that I'm seeing. I can also bookmark an index into my site navigation and come back to it later. Javascript, and thus Ajax applications, can cause huge problems for this model of use. Since the Javascript is dynamically generating the page instead of the server, the URL is cut out of the loop and can no longer be used as an index into navigation. This is a very unfortunate feature to lose, many Ajax webapps thoughtfully include specially constructed permalinks for this exact reason.

超鏈接變得毫無意義,不能在傳遞給朋友或者收藏了。另一個web站點的重要功能就是你可以將一個URL傳遞給另一個人,而他就可以通過這個URL看到你看到的東西。當然,我也可以將這個URL放到我的收藏夾裏,以便我以後訪問他。Javascript,包括基於Javascriptajax技術將會對這種應用模式帶來巨大的挑戰。由於Javascript取代了服務器,用來動態的產生數據,所以URL就不能具體代表整個交互循環的某個狀態點,也就不再能夠收藏了。這方面的功能缺失非常令人遺憾,許多ajax web應用程序在這方面考慮的非常仔細,包括專門構造一個特殊的鏈接(permalinks)來應對此種情況。

Too much code makes the browser slow Ajax introduces a way to make much more interesting javascript applications, unfortunately interesting often means more code running. More code running means more work for the browser, which means that for some javascript intensive websites, especially poorly coded ones, you need to have a powerful CPU to keep the functionality zippy. The CPU problem has actually been a limit on javascript functionality in the past, and just because computers have gotten faster doesn't mean the problem has disappeared.


Inventing new UI conventions A major mistake that is easy to make with Ajax is: 'click on this non obvious thing to drive this other non obvious result'. Sure, users who use an application for a while may learn that if you click and hold down the mouse on this div that you can then drag it and permanently move it to this other place, but since that's not in the common user experience, you increase the time and difficulty of learning your application, which is a major negative for any application.


Not cascading local changes to other parts of the page Since Ajax/Javascript gives you such specific control over page content, it's easy to get too focused on a single area of content and miss the overall integrated picture. An example of this is the Backpackit title. If you change a Backpackit page title, they immediately replace the title, they even remember to replace the title on the right, but they don't replace the head title tag with the new page title. With Ajax you have to think about the whole picture even with localized changes.


Asynchronously performing batch operations Sure with Ajax you can make edits to a lot of form fields happen immediately, but that can cause a lot of problems. For example if I check off a lot of check boxes that are each sent asynchronously to the server, I lose my ability to keep track of the overall state of checkbox changes and the flood of checkbox change indications will be annoying and disconcerting.


Scrolling the page and making me lose my place Another problem with popping text into a running page is that it can effect the page scroll. I may be happily reading an article or paging through a long list, and an asynchronous javascript request will decide to cut out a paragraph way above where I'm reading, cutting my reading flow off. This is obviously annoying and it wastes my time trying to figure out my place.


In addition, some programming issues:


Be careful about what you expose on the server, especially if you're using remote-stub frameworks like SAJAX. You can't necessarily let Javascript use generic services that you might let a server-side script call. Don't rely on a global XMLHttpRequest object. See Call Tracking.

Coofucoo say


Be careful about changing the DOM in one call, such that when a later call returns, it ends up writing a value into the wrong DOM object - or perhaps the DOM object doesn't return at all (To be added to [[Call Tracking).


Consider the effects of a call never returning. You can establish a timeout mechanism by setting a timer as soon as the call is made (with Javascript's ontimeout function). The timer can explicitly call the request's abort() method if no return has occurred, and inform the user accordingly.


Consider the effects of a call returning with an error status - perhaps alert the user somehow. A pattern like Synchronisation Status helps here, to alert the user that some data is stale.

考慮調用返回一個錯誤狀態的情況,這種情況下可能會提示用戶一些莫名其妙的信息。像Synchronisation Status這樣的模式就可以在這裏爲我們提供幫助,警告用戶有些數據已經出問題了。

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