ChinaDaily 手機報精華筆記 | 2018.3.14

爲了更好地從新聞視角學習英語翻譯,同時也讓作爲全職媽媽的自己接收更多信息,與外界保持聯通,幾日前訂閱了ChinaDaily 手機報。





1. 著名物理學家霍金去世

Stephen Hawking dies aged 76


語言點:sb dies aged XX,表示“某人逝世,享年XX歲”。也可以寫成,sb passes away at the age of XX。

2. 英國物理學家、《時間簡史》作者斯蒂芬·霍金(見圖)去世,享年76歲。

Stephen Hawking(see photo), the British physicist and author of "A Brief History of Time", has passed away at the age of 76. 

注:see photo 可以直接用 pictured 代替。BBC Breaking News 昨日關於霍金逝世的一篇報道中就是這麼應用的,如:

As he was preparing to marry his first wife Jane (pictured), doctors predicted he did not have longto live.



It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.

語言點:“不過如此” not be much of sth。

二. 【'天眼'發現11顆新脈衝星】


FAST identifies 11 pulsars

語言點:將“發現”譯爲 identify。identify表示“識別,辨別”。爲了避免重複,下文也用到 discover。

三. 【美國務卿蒂勒森遭解僱】

1. 美國總統唐納德·特朗普解除了國務卿雷克斯·蒂勒森的職務,由中央情報局局長邁克·蓬佩奧接任

US President Donald Trump has fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and is replacinghim with Mike Pompeo, chief of the Central Intelligence Agency.

語言點:原句中的“解除……職務”和“由……接任”(即,委任……)這兩個都是同一個人發出的,因此譯文中巧用 replace with 將兩個句子整合成一句。

2. 現年65歲的前埃克森美孚首席執行官蒂勒森的離任是迄今特朗普內閣最大的人事變動

The resignation of the 65-year-old former CEO of Exxon Mobil is the biggest shakeup of the Trump Cabinet so far.

語言點:“人事變動”shakeup。“離任”resign,在正式場合使用。不那麼正式的話,可以選用 quit 或 leave,如 quit / leave a job。與“辭職”相對的“解僱”,除了使用 fire,還可以選擇 dismiss。

(韋氏詞典中 resign 釋義截圖)
(韋氏詞典中 dismiss 釋義截圖)


1. 一種名爲"好嫁風"的時尚風潮在網上引發了一系列爭論

A fashion trend named "easy to get married" style has sparked a series of debateson the internet.

語言點:“引發……爭論”spark debates。

2. "好嫁風"起源於日本,指大量運用冰淇淋色、毛球和蝴蝶結來突顯女性的溫柔清純。

Originally from Japan, the style highlights a woman's femininity and purity through liberal use of ice cream colors, faux fur and bow knots. 

語言點:原句中的“指”在譯句中並沒有被生硬地翻譯爲 means 或 refers to,而是在梳理句子的結構之後,提煉出真正的謂語動詞“突顯”,因此使用了 highlight。英語中表示“突顯”的詞還有:emphasize、accentuate等。


But intentionally following the style to win popularity among men was soon attacked by young Chinese people on the internet.


4. 着裝更多是一種顯示穿衣者品味和個性的方式。

Nowadays, clothesare more like a way to show the wearer's taste and character.

語言點:“更多是”be more like。

5. 對於大部分中國"職業女性"或"職場母親"而言,"女爲悅己者容"已經成爲歷史

To a large number of Chinese women who are "working girls" and "working mothers", dressing up for men has become an old story.

語言點:將“已成爲歷史”巧妙處理爲 become  an old story。

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