


· Performance of recommender algorithms on top-n recommendation tasks — 2010, by Paolo Cremonesi, Yehuda Koren, Roberto Turrin

· Trust-aware recommender systems — 2007, by Paolo Massa, Paolo Avesani

· A matrix factorization technique with trust propagation for recommendation in social networks — 2010, by Mohsen Jamali, Martin Ester

· Multiverse recommendation: n-dimensional tensor factorization for context-aware collaborative filtering — 2010, by Alexandros Karatzoglou, Xavier Amatriain, Linas Baltrunas, Nuria Oliver

· Hidden factors and hidden topics: understanding rating dimensions with review text — 2013, by Julian McAuley, Jure Leskovec

自從2009年以來,每一年的ACM RecSys大會還會爲當年作出較大貢獻的論文進行頒獎,接下來的5篇論文在近5年內被評爲了“最佳論文”。

· Modeling the Assimilation-Contrast Effects in Online Product Rating Systems: Debiasing and Recommendations — 2017, by X. Zhang, J. Zhao, J.C.S. Lui

· Local Item-Item Models for Top-N Recommendation — 2016, by E. Christakopoulou and G. Karypis;

· Context-Aware Event Recommendation in Event-based Social Networks— 2015, by A. Macedo, L. Marinho and R. Santos

· Beyond Clicks: Dwell Time for Personalization — 2014, by X. Yi, L. Hong, E. Zhong, N. Nan Liu and S. Rajan

· A Fast Parallel SGD for Matrix Factorization in Shared Memory Systems— 2013, by Y. Zhuang, W. Chin, Y. Juan and C. Lin (Best Paper)

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