


project issue : 一對多
issue comment : 一對多
comment history : 一對多
Project [1] <---- [n] issue (1) <---- (n) comment [1] <---- [n] history

class Project
has_many :issues

class Issue
belongs_to :project
has_many :cccc # cccc 爲了區別後面的名稱不致混淆

def init_comment(content = "")
@current_comment ||= Comment.new(:resource => self, :creater => current_user, :content => content)
@issue_before_change = self.clone

##這裏需要注意的是,要保證histories表中的comment_id(histories表中與comment關聯的外鍵) `comment_id` int(11) default '0', 必需設置一個默認值,否則將不能保存comment 和 history的信息。
def before_save
if @current_comment
# attributes changes
(Issue.column_names - %w(id content resource_id resource_type)).each {|c|
@current_comment.histories << History.new(:property=>c,
:comment => @current_comment,
:old_value => @issue_before_change.send(c),
:value => send(c)) unless send(c)==@issue_before_change.send(c)
# Save the issue even if the comment is not saved (because empty)


class Comment
belongs_to :issue
has_many :histories

class History
belongs_to :comment


Project.find(:first,:include =>[{ :issue => { :cccc => { :histories => :comment }}}]

API 中的相關使用介紹
To include a deep hierarchy of associations, use a hash:

for post in Post.find(:all, :include => [ :author, { :comments => { :author => :gravatar } } ])

That‘ll grab not only all the comments but all their authors and gravatar pictures. You can mix and match symbols, arrays and hashes in any combination to describe the associations you want to load.

All of this power shouldn‘t fool you into thinking that you can pull out huge amounts of data with no performance penalty just because you‘ve reduced the number of queries. The database still needs to send all the data to Active Record and it still needs to be processed. So it‘s no catch-all for performance problems, but it‘s a great way to cut down on the number of queries in a situation as the one described above.

Since the eager loading pulls from multiple tables, you‘ll have to disambiguate any column references in both conditions and orders. So :order => "posts.id DESC" will work while :order => "id DESC" will not. Because eager loading generates the SELECT statement too, the :select option is ignored.

You can use eager loading on multiple associations from the same table, but you cannot use those associations in orders and conditions as there is currently not any way to disambiguate them. Eager loading will not pull additional attributes on join tables, so "rich associations" with has_and_belongs_to_many are not a good fit for eager loading.

When eager loaded, conditions are interpolated in the context of the model class, not the model instance. Conditions are lazily interpolated before the actual model exists.

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