


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define Type      char
#define Status    bool

#define MAXSIZE   100
#define OK        1
#define ERROR     0
#define OVERFLOW  -1

class Stack
 Type *base;                            //棧底指針
 Type *top;                             //棧頂指針
 unsigned int stacksize;                //棧的大小
 Stack(unsigned int size);              //固定大小的棧

 Status Push(const Type e);
 Status Pop(Type& e);
 Type GetTop() const;
 Status Empty();
 Status Full();
 Status Clear();
 Status Traverse();
 unsigned int GetStacksize();



#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Stack.h"

 base=new Type[MAXSIZE];

Stack::Stack(unsigned int size)
 base=new Type[size];

 delete []base;

Status Stack::Push(const Type e)
  return true;
 return false;

Status Stack::Pop(Type& e)
  return true;
 return false;

Type Stack::GetTop() const
  return *(top-1);
 return 0;

Status Stack::Empty()
 if(((top-base)==0) && (stacksize==0))
  return true;
 return false;

Status Stack::Clear()
 return true;

Status Stack::Full()
 if((5<=(top-base)) && stacksize>0)
  return true;
 return false;

unsigned int Stack::GetStacksize()
 return stacksize;

Status Stack::Traverse()
 Type* pt;
   cout<<' '<<*(pt-1);
  return OK;

 cout<<"Stack::Traverse(): Stack Empty!"<<endl;
 return ERROR;





#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define QElemType char
#define Status    bool
#define OK        1
#define ERROR     0
#define OVERFLOW  -1

typedef struct QNode
 QElemType data;
 struct QNode *next;

class LinkQueue
 QueuePtr front;
 QueuePtr rear;

 Status ClearQueue();
 Status QueueEmpty() const;
 unsigned int QueueLength() const;
 Status GetHead(QElemType& e) const;
 Status EnQueue(const QElemType e);
 Status DeQueue(QElemType& e);
 Status QueueTraverse() const;




#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Queue.h"

 front=rear=new QNode;
  cout<<"LinkQueue::LinkQueue(): Malloc Failure!"<<endl;

  delete front;

Status LinkQueue::ClearQueue()
 QueuePtr pt=front;
   delete pt;
  return OK;

 cout<<"LinkQueue::ClearQueue(): QueueEmpty()"<<endl;
 return ERROR;

Status LinkQueue::QueueEmpty() const
  return OK;
 return ERROR; 
unsigned int LinkQueue::QueueLength() const
 unsigned int l=0;
 QueuePtr pt=front;
 return l;

Status LinkQueue::GetHead(QElemType& e) const
  return OK;

 cout<<"LinkQueue::GetHead(QElemType& e) const: QueueEmpty!"<<endl;
 return ERROR;

Status LinkQueue::EnQueue(const QElemType e)
 QueuePtr pt=new QNode;
  cout<<"LinkQueue::EnQueue(const QElemType e): Malloc Failure!"<<endl;


 return OK;

Status LinkQueue::DeQueue(QElemType& e)
 QueuePtr pt;
  delete pt;
  return OK;

  cout<<"LinkQueue::DeQueue(QElemType& e): Queue is Empty!"<<endl;
  return ERROR;

Status LinkQueue::QueueTraverse() const
 cout<<"Hello,World 2 !"<<endl;

 QueuePtr pt;


  cout<<' '<<pt->data;

 return OK;




// Queue.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Queue.h"
#include "Stack.h"
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;

bool Process(const char* all,const unsigned int size,Stack* s,LinkQueue* q,
    const char* transB,const unsigned int sizeB,
    const char* transA,const unsigned int sizeA);//const char* transB 指針的值不能改變

bool ProcessB(Stack* s,const char* transB,const unsigned int sizeB,const char* transA,const unsigned int sizeA);
bool ProcessA(Stack* s,const char* trnasA,const unsigned int sizeA);
bool Translate(Stack* s,LinkQueue* q);

bool Process(const char* all,const unsigned int sizeAll,Stack* s,LinkQueue* q,
    const char* transB,const unsigned int sizeB,
    const char* transA,const unsigned int sizeA)
 for(int i=sizeAll-1;i>=0;i--)                   //從右向左讀入字符
   ProcessB(s,transB,sizeB,transA,sizeA);             //出現字母B的情況
   if('('==all[i] || ')'==all[i])        //出現括號的情況
    if( '('==all[i] )
     s->Push(all[i+1]);           //標記括號內第一個元素
     s->Push(all[i]);             //'('入棧
    else if( ')'==all[i] )
     s->Push(all[i]);             //')'入棧

   {                                     //隊尾入隊


 return true;

bool ProcessB(Stack* s,const char* transB,const unsigned int sizeB,const char* transA,const unsigned int sizeA)
 for(int i=sizeB-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)
   ProcessA(s,transA,sizeA);          //出現字母A的情況

 return true;

bool ProcessA(Stack* s,const char* transA,const unsigned int sizeA)
 for(int i=sizeA-1;i>=0;i--)
 return true;

bool Translate(Stack* s,LinkQueue* q)
 char ch,theta;
  if( '('==ch )                            //遇到'('開始出隊
    q->DeQueue(ch);                  // '('出隊
    while( ')'!=ch )
     cout<<' '<<theta<<' '<<ch;
    cout<<' '<<theta;               //最後一個字符

  else if( ')'==ch)                       // ')'結束出隊

  else                                    // 普通字母直接輸出
   cout<<' '<<ch;

  q->DeQueue(ch);                         // '('出隊
   cout<<' '<<ch;
 return true;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 Stack* SS=new Stack();
 LinkQueue* QQ=new LinkQueue();

 char *TransB, *TransA,*All;
 int sizeB,sizeA,size;

 cout<<"Please enter sizeA,sizeB and size:";

 cout<<"/nEnter TransA:";
 TransA=new char[sizeA];
 for(int i=0;i<sizeA;i++)

 cout<<"Enter TransB:";
 TransB=new char[sizeB];
 for(i=0;i<sizeB;i++)                      //複製成SizeA了

 All=new char[size];
 cout<<"Enter All:";




 return 0;

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